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  • Here's how you can begin optimizing your newsletters and lead nurturing, event, and other marketing emails for more clicks.

  • In just 10 minutes, we'll cover four design and copy techniques that will get your subscribers to take action. We'll also show you how to measure the lift they give your campaigns.

  • Yahoo Mail's 18th birthday makeover will affect how marketers reach consumers in the future. In fact, updates such as search filters, avatars, and embedded brand logos actually have the potential to make marketers' email efforts more productive.

  • In just 10 minutes, we'll show you how to reduce your email bounce rate for a fraction of the cost of replacing names. We'll share easy-to-use strategies that you can apply right away to help you reconnect with lost customers.

  • In just 10 minutes, we'll show you how to use campaign tracking to keep email traffic out of the dreaded "Direct Traffic" bucket in Google Analytics. You'll learn what reports and features you should use to better understand your site visitors and how to measure performance based on your own email goals.

  • Email is an essential tool for modern marketers. It might not be shiny and new, but it’s still one of the most effective forms of marketing used today. Use it to increase engagement, conversions, and sales—you’re up for the challenge.

  • In just 10 minutes, you'll learn how to align your email efforts with changing technology, increase open and click through rates, and grow your email ROI. We'll show you how to create a whole new life for your emails by sweeping away dusty, outdated practices.

  • In just 10 minutes, we'll provide you with five key tips on how to create successful nurture campaigns. You'll learn how to develop and engage your prospects in an ongoing conversation that's proven to increase your conversion rates over time, and in a way that's easily measurable.

  • In just 10 minutes, we'll show you how to craft killer subject lines that will ensure your emails get opened. You'll learn how to master seven subject line techniques that will instantly increase your open and read rates.

  • In just 10 minutes, we'll reveal the secrets to creating a call-to-action that encourages the action you're after—whether it's downloads, sign-ups or sales. We'll discuss how to integrate your CTAS into your email program and how to make your CTAs appeal to your customers and prospects without being too pushy.

  • In just 10 minutes, we'll reveal the secrets to creating a call-to-action that encourages the action you're after—whether it's downloads, sign-ups or sales. We'll discuss how to integrate your CTAS into your email program and how to make your CTAs appeal to your customers and prospects without being too pushy.