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  • In love and in email marketing, you have to learn to admit when a relationship isn't working—especially when email subscribers you're attempting to woo are instead getting you blocked or blacklisted. Here are four types of offending addresses and how to deal with each of them.

  • Marketing rules and tactics for professional services providers (accountants, attorneys, physicians, dentists...) are often different from those for product or service marketers. Here's how newsletters work exceptionally well for professional services.

  • Until the Perfect Landing Page is created—an imaginary creature, no doubt—we will continue tweaking and testing and arguing the merits and faults of every landing page element. But these three unexpected tips will improve your landing page.

  • In just 10 minutes, we'll show you why a subscriber re-engagement campaign is an important part of your email marketing strategy. We'll share a seven-step process detailing how to set up and launch your re-engagement campaign from scratch. You'll leave with a thorough understanding of the different types of winback emails, the order in which to send them, and what to do with inactive subscribers.

  • We're all familiar with the 3 Rs from elementary school. These days, though, every marketer—especially those working in e-commerce—should have a firm grip on three other essential Rs: retention, retargeting, and re-engagement.

  • Is your email marketing growing stale? If you're up for trying something different, possibly even a little scary, try these somewhat unconventional ways to give your email marketing that much-needed boost.

  • SaneBox COO Dmitri Leonov discusses email overload and offers suggestions for marketers hoping to keep their emails from being funneled into the "Later" folder.

  • Businesses depend on email as the glue that pulls marketing tactics together, yet many otherwise savvy marketers misuse email in a way that ultimately alienates customers. Here are six common blunders.

  • Clearly, as a business owner or marketer, you understand the importance of email marketing. But are you doing it right? Here are eight ways you may be sabotaging your email marketing efforts—and what you should be doing instead.

  • What's the best day and time to send outbound marketing emails? How many outreach attempts is "enough"? How long should emails be? Those and other email-related questions can be tough to answer.

  • Rather than just pass leads off to Sales, marketers now shape and guide prospects through the sales funnel until purchase intent is clear. Thanks to lead nurturing, doing so is easier and more effective than ever before.

  • A lead magnet is a free offer you make in exchange for an email address. Of course, not every person who gives you an email address is a hot lead, but if you’ve collected an email by offering a useful and highly relevant gift, the person who requested it may have the potential to become one.

  • Competition is fierce. You need to get as much return as humanly possible from any outreach and influencer marketing activity you undertake. Knowing how to write effective, engaging emails is vital to ensuring those campaigns convert well.

  • Imagine trying to get added to Kanye's VIP list for the hottest club in LA. You're standing in line, hoping he'll let you in. That's just about the same as trying to get your emails into recipients' inboxes... because the principles behind email deliverability are based on human-behavior patterns.

  • Though most email marketers focus on optimizing click-through rates and open rates—and for good reason—those popular metrics won't add up to success if your emails don't land in your contacts' inboxes in the first place.

  • Zignal Labs Vice-President of Marketing Tim Hayden discusses data-driven marketing and split-second analytics, and why email and Twitter are very much alive.

  • Most email campaigns do a lousy job of turning warm leads into customers. But with interest-based segmentation, you'll not just dramatically increase your results... you'll do so without annoying prospects.

  • If you want a highly engaged community of customers, build an email list of people who are ready to listen to your messages and willing to buy from you. Here are four ways to build such a list.

  • With social media, podcasting, videos, push notifications, and other mobile channels taking up our lives, you may think that the good-old email is losing its dominance in the mobile age. Well, think again.

  • Here are four ways segmentation can improve demand generation—and four practical tips on what and how to segment.