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  • Personalization. Everyone's doing it, so is it even special anymore? Enter localization and hyper-personalization—"real-time and discernible data to fashion supremely contextual communication relevant to the customer."

  • You email marketing program may be cruising along, but are there steps you can take to give it even more power? This graphic gives ideas, and it also shares email success stories from other brands.

  • Marketers say email and content marketing are the most effective tactics for driving prospects through the sales pipeline and toward conversion/revenue, according to recent research from Ascend2.

  • This infographic explores stats about email, mobile, content, budgets, and more all in one place. It also explains why these stats are key to your career. As digital marketers become more in demand, where will you excel?

  • If white-collar workers could change one thing about emails from brands, they would make those emails less promotional, according to recent research from Adobe.

  • How often do companies send out marketing emails? Does the frequency vary by business size? To find out, The Manifest surveyed 501 digital marketers who work for firms in the United States with 100 or more employees.

  • Email is one of the earliest digital marketing channels, and despite competition from other, newer, channels... it's still one of the most effective. See why that is, and get tips to make your email program even better.

  • Consumer engagement with brand emails increased in the first quarter of 2018 thanks to fewer messages in inboxes, according to recent research from Yes Lifecycle Marketing.

  • If the all the recent anti-spam legislation has you feeling hesitant about sending emails, fear not. Newsletters are still one of the most effective ways to reach your B2B audience. Here are some tips to get excellent results.

  • Gmail is the most popular email service provider in the United States, and the iPhone is the most commonly used device for accessing email, according to recent research from SendGrid.

  • Is your data as clean and fresh as it can be? If not, your campaigns may be underperforming. See what you're missing out on and how to cleanse your data.

  • The changes made to your email list as you prepped for GDPR will likely impact your email metrics. Here's how you can review and reset your benchmarks.

  • GDPR may seem like a burden, but it helps us marketers think Customer First. Here's how to make sure you not only comply with GDPR's regulatory requirements but also provide customers what they need.

  • Email personalization has evolved from [first name] in an email to an entire series of emails customized for preferences and behaviors. Check out the future of hyper-personalized email and see steps you can take to make it work for your marketing.

  • Most marketers say their email automation and marketing automation skills are still works in progress and that they are not using many features effectively, according to research from GetResponse and SmartInsights.

  • There is wisdom in integrating direct mail into email marketing campaigns. Here are tips and best-of-breed guidelines for effectively doing so.

  • Email subject lines that express gratitude tend to outperform email subject lines that do not, according to recent research from Cheetah Digital.

  • Don't let your email program get stagnant. Just because it seems to be working doesn't mean you can't improve it. Check out this graphic for tips on seeing your emails with fresh eyes.

  • What types of email-signature banners draw the most interest? Does it help to include a call to action? Which are more effective: horizontally or vertically aligned units?

  • Your email program is vital for turning one-time buyers into loyal customers. Here are some tips to make your emails effective in improving customer retention and encouraging loyalty.