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  • To step up your digital marketing game, you have to combine your SEO techniques with email marketing to achieve genuine, organic reach for your content. It's how you make sure your content reaches your target audience.

  • Taking a close look at what's trending in email marketing today, GetResponse analyzed four billion emails sent from 126 countries across 19 industries. Here are five email marketing insights from that analysis.

  • Two-thirds of emails are now opened on mobile devices, and your subscribers are picky about the reading experience: Many of them simply delete emails that don't render well on mobile screens. Worse, they simply unsubscribe. Here are eight steps for making sure that doesn't happen.

  • Especially in the age of GDPR, email preference centers make perfect sense: Customers get control over what communications they receive, and marketers get to send better, more targeted communications. Here's how to build and use a modern email preference center.

  • It happens to all of us: the dreaded email fail. The kind of mistake that incites Twitter jeering and emails from your boss (or, worse, your CEO). Mistakes can happen when you're moving too fast, deadlines are tight, and you're juggling multiple campaigns. The good news? You can avoid many of the most common mistakes.

  • The emails you spend so much time strategizing, crafting, and scheduling aren't worth much if they don't actually reach your target audience. Email deliverability is essential, yet many marketers don't pay much attention to it. Here's why you should remedy that.

  • The most popular time to read emails in the United States is in the morning, with opens peaking between 10 AM and 11 AM, according to recent research from Litmus.

  • MarketingProfs Chief Content Officer, best-selling author, and global keynote speaker Ann Handley shares her secret to writing addictive email newsletters.

  • Businesses worldwide are jumping onto technological advancements and changes in marketing. If you're not prioritizing digital marketing, you're merely giving your competitors a chance to get ahead. See just how important digital marketing is for businesses today.

  • Ready or not, your customers want and expect personalized communications from your brand. Thankfully, there's a five-step framework you can use to kick your email marketing up a notch. Here's how.

  • Done right, email marketing delivers results that outperform just about any other channel's. Done wrong, you leave money on the table with every send. So what are the roadblocks that stand in the way of optimizing email ROI?

  • Millennials are expected to outnumber members of any other generation in the USA this year. How can savvy marketers make the most of this opportunity? What's the best way to reach out to the Millennial market? What kind of message is most likely to resonate?

  • What can you really achieve with a solid email marketing strategy? What is a realistic email goal for your business? This article walks you through four real-world examples of businesses that set goals and used email to achieve them.

  • You haven't heard from them in a while, and they don't respond to your messages like they used to... Is this a break-up? Sometimes, you just have to remind your subscribers of the good thing you had going. That's why the re-engagement email is so important.

  • Your welcome emails set the tone for the relationship with your subscribers. If recipients come to know, like, and trust you, they're more likely to open, click, and buy from your future emails. Here are five elements of a welcome email series that'll tip the scales in your favor when you're ready to promote your offers.

  • Revisit the emails you sent to your B2B audience recently. How many ideas, emotions, and benefits did each message contain or refer to? How many possible responses could it have elicited? Chances are... too many! For high-converting emails, follow this rule instead.

  • Cold email is still an effective way of generating appointments and making new connections. B2B companies, in particular, can still send personalized, cold emails at scale. Here are cold-email principles you can use to create response-boosting outreach campaigns.

  • What proportion of emails sent by marketers ends up in consumers' spam folders? What proportion is flagged as spam. What proportion is flagged as not spam by recipients? Find out—for various verticals.

  • In a world full of "READ THIS!" "BUY NOW!" and "CLICK HERE!" sometimes the only action customers want to take is to click away. And we marketers shouldn't blame them. So, what do we do? How else can we inspire action?

  • There are three common stages of digital marketing maturity. Once you diagnose which level you're at, you can better strategize how to move forward for optimal marketing success. Read on for valuable insights.