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  • It takes continual, meticulous post-purchase engagement to turn a one-time customer into a brand evangelist. That engagement usually begins with an email conversation.

  • Michael Barber digs into email hacks for B2B marketers, including what keeps him awake at night, tips to pay attention to, words of wisdom for 2023, and more.

  • How are marketers adapting their email strategies in a rapidly evolving digital world? Check out six trends that emerged from Knak's email marketing benchmark report.

  • We've all been there: You send out a million party invitations, and nobody shows up. Ouch. To ensure that doesn't happen with your company webinars, use these invitation tips.

  • Jay Schwedelson, founder of, chats about B2B email marketing tactics that are working right now. He shares what keeps him up at night, what email hurdles you should watch out for, what email myths need to be busted, and more.

  • The email newsletter will never die! But it will continue to undergo changes every now and then. Here are nine of today's best-practices that will get your newsletter read.

  • Email marketing, though old school, is always evolving, as are its enhancements. HTML has become par for the course, but many are still reluctant to include video in their emails. This article breaks down the possibilities and best-practices.

  • When you consider that between 3 and 4 billion emails are sent and received every single day, making yours stand out in a crowded inbox is always going to be a challenge. Is the effort even worth it? It is—if you can make your emails stand out.

  • Most Americans say they have signed up to receive mobile text messages from a business in the past year, according to recent research from SimpleTexting.

  • It's hard to remember a time you could open an email and not be assaulted by buttons and graphics and neon colors. Is there any place for boring typeface in the marketing world anymore? Perhaps. Here are some situations when plain text is effective.

  • Composing a single email is hard enough. How can you possibly plan for email at scale? It helps to keep these tips in mind.

  • Is your email marketing underperforming? You're not alone. The good news? This webinar offers key insights into what's driving audience engagement in 2022. Join us to learn how to increase opens, get more clicks and conversions, and improve campaign ROI with these simple (but effective) tips. Sponsored by Vidyard.

  • "Click here for more." Is anyone actually going to click on a call to action like that? Probably not. Check out what makes for a good cold email CTA in this article.

  • How does including personalization, adding emojis, and using common words impact email subject line performance? To find out, GetResponse examined nearly 7 billion emails sent by its customers in 2021.

  • You know email is crucial to your marketing success. But if you're not seeing the results you need, you need some new tools and strategies to get you back in the game. Join us for this webinar to discover how to drive lead gen success with email in 2022. Sponsored by ViB.

  • What can you do to ensure your emails avoid spam folders and are delivered to the intended recipients' inboxes?

  • Apple's email privacy updates have been a migraine for some marketers who depend on email data for their campaigns. But it's time to rise to the challenge and admit that open rate doesn't matter much, anyway. Here are four things that do.

  • You've obtained a prospect's email address. Huzzah! Nothing can stop you now! Except spam traps. And temp emails. And bounce rate. And... well, that's why you need email list validation.

  • Apple's Mail Privacy Protection (MPP) feature appears to have had a noticeable impact on email engagement metrics following its introduction last year, according to recent research from Campaign Monitor.

  • Customers don't tend to abandon surveys in the middle of taking them. The trick to improving response is getting email recipients to open the survey in the first place. This article has some ideas.