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  • Ben Kaplan, senior director of mobile strategy and product at the American Cancer Society, discusses the mobile strategy that increased mobile app revenue 80% in 2016 for the organization.

  • The mobile and digital revolutions have changed the way national and global brands can reach consumers where they are, and when and how they want to be reached. Here's how to do local right.

  • For healthcare professionals, the days of hanging a shingle and waiting for patients is long over. So what are the best strategies for healthcare organizations, doctors, and physician practices in today's digital world?

  • Most emails are opened on mobile devices, but most conversions from email are still happening on desktops. Check out this infographic to see how your brand stacks up when it comes to mobile email metrics.

  • People check their smartphones obsessively—dozens, even hundreds, of times per day—and they open most of their emails on mobile devices. Here are five ways we email marketers can use those mobile habits to better reach our customers.

  • Smartphones have become part of nearly every aspect of our daily lives, from showering to working to sleeping. Here's a look at the many ways we rely on our mobile phones, and how texting (SMS) has helped foster that reliance.

  • There are four main messaging channels your mobile app can use for marketing. Find out which of the four you should be using in specific, real-world situations.

  • If 2016 was anything to go by, we marketers should be excited about marketing automation in 2017. If you want your automation efforts to pay off this year, keep these seven predictions and best-practices in mind.

  • 2016 was a big year for mobile marketing, but 2017 will be even bigger. A few tech trends looming on the horizon are going to make a deep impact on every mobile marketer’s work—whether they know it or not.

  • Planning your marketing efforts for the coming year? Here's some advice about the top digital marketing and branding trends you can expect in 2017.

  • Smartphone apps now account for nearly half of the time consumers spend with digital media, according to recent research from comScore.

  • Businesses need a strong mobile engagement strategy, but people use the mobile Web, apps, and SMS in different ways. How can you use each mobile medium for real-time communication with consumers?

  • Navigating call-tracking offerings can be difficult, especially if you're not sure of what to look for in a provider. Keep these four things in mind as a checklist of criteria when shopping for call-analytics software.

  • Calls from search, social, and display ads are often the most lucrative type of conversion, but also the most difficult for marketers to measure and optimize. Here's a basic lesson in how call attribution works and how it can benefit you.

  • The final article in this series explores how to respond to altered behavior in the buying cycle, deliver content to where it is most needed, and focus on the proven sales-generating power of SEO.

  • We've all heard the misconception that communicating over text via mobile decreases the personal touch. But, quite to the contrary, it's actually an effective, engaging way to connect when you're in the palm of someone's hand.

  • For veteran app users and newbies alike, app ratings matter. They really matter. Especially as social proof that the app has value and is worth installing. Ask users for a review the wrong way, and you might well sink your app's future.

  • In just 10 minutes, we'll walk you through the most recent—and upcoming—changes that will transform search and enable you to reach and win new customers. You'll walk away with actionable steps to get your site found by your customers on their phones and tablets.

  • Brands today have an opportunity to enhance personalization and reach, addressing always-changing customer expectations. With real-time marketing, you can increase loyalty, even upsell, and help retain customers.

  • Anyone doing serious mobile app marketing knows surveys can be useful for understanding app satisfaction, getting feedback on new functionality, understanding why a feature isn't being used, or collecting general feedback quickly.