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  • Customer profiles, user browsing data, and benchmark studies are designed to help companies know exactly who their customers are and what brand sentiments they have. But what if we don't need that much information?

  • Operational excellence in marketing is vital to organizational growth. Enter Marketing Ops—the oxygen every marketing organization needs for peak performance. Join marketing ops visionary Laura Patterson for this free, hands-on interactive webinar and discover how to create a stellar marketing ops function.

  • Marketing Smarts host George B. Thomas and analytics authority Christopher Penn discuss data science and why it is essential to B2B marketing. They also cover what AI means for the industry, how to implement machine-learning, and how to think like a data scientist.

  • By analyzing your most successful customer interactions and understanding customers' goals, you can better inform your marketing efforts to replicate your best and favorite customers. So how is that done? Let's break it down into a few key steps.

  • Discover the benefits of content syndication—namely, boosting lead generation, brand awareness, and SEO performance—and learn how to execute an efficient, effective program. Learn how content syndication can support your marketing objectives in 2023. Sponsored by DemandScience.

  • Join veteran B2B Marketing expert Michael Brenner to learn six practical steps you can take right now to start meeting buyer needs and your CEO's expectations.

  • It's easy to audit your own first-party data. But what about data you purchase from a provider? Can you verify its quality? An independent audit can.

  • A few months ago, Google announced a delay to its blocking of third-party cookies... again. We keep preparing, and the deadline keeps getting pushed back. Given that additional time, how should we be spending it?

  • Welcome to a highly misunderstood topic: segmentation. This article explains what marketers tend to get wrong about segmentation, what's a better way to segment, and why doing a differential advantage analysis after segmentation can help you beat the competition.

  • To be successful, marketers need to be able to quickly create feedback loops and act on customer insights—no easy task in an uncertain market. In this webinar, you'll learn how to listen to and better serve your customers—while boosting acquisition and retention. Sponsored by Momentive.

  • George B. Thomas and Arsen Avakian dive into the end of third-party cookies and how it affects digital advertisers, as well as how important it is to connect to people's emotions during their buyer's journey—even more so than collecting data. Are you ready to have a third-party cookie conversation?

  • The first part of this article series identified what factors contribute to the dark funnel—a (spooky) place where prospects learn about your company without your knowledge. This second part offers concrete steps you can take to start obtaining data from the dark funnel.

  • Making campaign results sound impressive to management is difficult enough in itself; you don't need added hurdles. But if you do run into problems, this article will help you resolve them.

  • The marketing funnel is supposed to map out the process of bringing a customer on board. But there's a mysterious no-man's land where those people hang out and share information before they even reach your map. Here's how to take that dark portion of the funnel into account.

  • Synchronous viewing of broadcast TV programs seems like an ancient practice now, and the proliferation of CTV, OTT, and online video has made traditional methods of measuring ad effectiveness obsolete. Here are four things marketers can do to adapt.

  • Which metrics should be you paying attention to? This infographic looks at at the essential KPIs to track on seven major platforms: Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, TikTok, and Twitter.

  • The newly released 13th Annual B2B Content Marketing Benchmarks, Budgets, and Trends report highlights that B2B brands are increasingly prioritizing content marketing, but the resources to support this newly prominent role aren't always available.

  • Transitioning to GA4 may seem like a daunting task. But the earlier you start, the easier it will be. Follow this action plan.

  • Say goodbye to Sales and Marketing communication breakdowns and disagreements about leads—especially lead quality and lead follow-up (or the lack thereof). In this webinar, you'll learn how to use lead scoring to align Sales and Marketing, gain strategic insights about products and accounts, and close more deals. Sponsored by Adobe Marketo Engage.

  • Although it's impossible to give an absolute value to abstract concepts such as loyalty, there are metrics that can indicate customers' willingness to return to your company. Here's what to track.