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  • "Artificial intelligence": you've heard the term, you know it's a trend, you know you're "supposed" to be using it... But if you were asked to explain in a few short sentences what it means for marketers, could you do it? If not, then you've found the right article.

  • "Event intelligence" is the latest buzzword in the meeting and event industry, and there are a lot of questions surrounding it, such as how exactly it helps planners and marketers, what technologies come into play, and even what event intelligence is. This article sheds some light.

  • Marketers say that among different types of marketing technologies, automation/email/CRM products are the most effective, according to recent research from Ascend2.

  • Curious about the endless capabilities Marketo can offer you? Join Michel Holland, senior solutions consultant at Marketo, for this in-depth demo where you'll see their marketing automation platform and learn how to attract, engage, and close more deals with it. Sponsored by Marketo.

  • 30 years ago, in March 1989, the first webpage was created by British engineer and computer scientist Tim Berners-Lee. This timeline infographic will guide you through the history of the World Wide Web. See how we got to where we are now.

  • Marketing automation aims to help Marketing and Sales coordinate and streamline time-consuming tasks. Now, with the insertion of artificial intelligence and machine-learning into that process, not only rote tasks but also more complex ones can be automated. See how AI can level-up marketing automation.

  • Six marketing experts sit down with Kerry O'Shea Gorgone at Adobe Summit to talk customer experience, creativity and innovation, the 25th anniversary of digital advertising, and more.

  • John J. Wall of Marketing Over Coffee takes over the Marketing Smarts podcast for April Fools and interviews Christopher S. Penn about artificial intelligence and machine-learning for marketing.

  • E-commerce websites make it effortless for customers to order anything they want from retailers of all sizes—from small artisan shops to direct-to-consumer wholesale companies. But e-commerce is changing, and we need to keep up. Here are five future e-commerce marketing trends you should be staying on top of.

  • There are three common stages of digital marketing maturity. Once you diagnose which level you're at, you can better strategize how to move forward for optimal marketing success. Read on for valuable insights.

  • Once perceived as nerdy gamer technology, virtual reality is being embraced by brands across the globe. Marketers are realizing the potential of VR to leave indelible impressions on consumers. You might want to check out how it can help you engage customers.

  • If you consider chatbots just another marketing fad or buzzword that doesn't impact revenue, we have some bad news for you. Chatbots are already an integral part of modern customer experience—and they are having a serious impact on conversions.

  • 'Heartificial Empathy' author Minter Dial shares insights on increasing empathy in yourself, your company, and even in your machines.

  • Is there any facet of digital marketing that isn't being continually disrupted by technology? You name it: data-gathering, analytics, content creation and distribution, personalization, targeting, SEO... So which technologies should you be keeping a close eye on?

  • Are you struggling to make meaningful personal connections with prospects and customers, at scale? We'll show you how AI can help. Sponsored by Conversica.

  • Is your website doing a good job meeting buyers where they are in their journey—and capturing quality leads? We'll show you how to use conversational marketing to engage and convert more active prospects, before they leave your site for a competitor's. Sponsored by Drift.

  • Marketing technology is continually evolving to solve day-to-day problems for companies across industries in efficient, effective and innovative ways. Here are some predictions for 2019 from six martech leaders. They cover a variety of topics—from ABM to Facebook marketing to meeting automation and more. See what these leaders think awaits for you this year.

  • Push notifications, email, and SMS can reach consumers in highly personalized ways, and all three behave and perform similarly to meet the goals of marketing campaigns. Perhaps for that reason, those three channels are sometimes thought of as interchangeable. But that's not the case.

  • As technology becomes central to marketing success, one theme stands out: In a tech-centric world, what role does creativity play? The infusion of technology into marketing can pose a fundamental, even existential question for marketers: Is there a role for creativity in a modern marketing program?

  • As more and more consumers use voice search, they are often following up on those search results via voice as well—by calling the businesses they want to reach. Here's how you can make sure your business is set up for customers to find and connect with you via voice.