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  • Marketers expect brand websites to be the most effective digital channel in 2017, according to recent research from Ascend2.

  • Even as marketing changes at breakneck speed, some things stay the same. The four pillars of performance have withstood the test of time, so keep them in mind to improve your marketing campaigns' chances of success.

  • Marketing campaigns that take months to plan, launch, and execute may still have a place in today's always-connected world, but if you aren't also jumping into real-time marketing, you will lose out.

  • Planning your marketing efforts for the coming year? Here's some advice about the top digital marketing and branding trends you can expect in 2017.

  • The experience economy gives us the opportunity to do more than just sell goods and services; we can now create unique memories and experiences for our customers—and in the process achieve competitive advantage.

  • To many midmarket retailers today, seems unstoppable. It's not. An underdog, however, doesn't win by beating a giant at its own game—but by outwitting, outmaneuvering, and out-strategizing it.

  • The insight you can derive from your own customers is invaluable. It will help you to not only increase the effectiveness of your content marketing but also reach your business and growth goals.

  • Scenario analysis is an essential part of creating agility. Scenarios help you anticipate. They help you ask better questions and prepare for the unexpected. They increase your readiness, which is what sets the stage for agility.

  • This B2B positioning health-check will tell you how effective your positioning really is. And it'll help you overcome preconceived notions about positioning effectiveness and give you a proven way to perform a realistic assessment.

  • Influencer marketing hoped to reclaim authenticity in advertising by influencing the conversations consumers are already having with experts and one another. Along the way, it strayed. Here's how it can reclaim authenticity.

  • How do you unify efforts with different team members, initiatives, and strategies for your blog, email, and social media marketing? You need a content strategy that accounts for each channel. These five steps will lead you to a cohesive cross-functional marketing plan.

  • "Enriching benefits" have a strong influence on how much consumers admire a brand. Such benefits inspire consumers, moving them to action and engendering loyalty toward the brand.

  • At what point does a buyer persona mutate from a useful marketing tool into a meaningless collection of bullet points, stock headshots, and random guesses? Here's what we really need to know about our prospects to motivate them to respond.

  • Speakers and B2B marketers stopped by to chat with Marketing Smarts host Kerry O'Shea Gorgone in Boston at the MarketingProfs B2B Forum. All guests discuss three things: what they want to master in 2017, their favorite social network for B2B (you'd be surprised), and what they think is going to disrupt the B2B space. Collective smarts from the premiere conference on B2B marketing!

  • Lasting brand admiration is achieved when your business becomes part of who people are (think "Mac people") and what they stand for. That kind of relationship isn't accidental or the result of good fortune.

  • A unilateral or bilateral business model, whereby vendors sell to customers or via business partners, is old-school. Today, forming an ecosystem is the way to increase shareholder value, foster customer relationships, and enhance brand equity.

  • It's exciting to be part of a growing business. But growth can also be stressful, especially for Marketing. In fact, sometimes growth can cripple your business if you do not have the resources to adequately support it.

  • It doesn't matter how much time you spend on crafting your marketing campaign: You have no guarantee it will pay off. Sometimes marketing just doesn't work the way you want it to. Here's what to do when that happens.

  • Word-of-mouth marketing is not new, but companies are putting a new spin on it to help their marketing, sales, and recruiting: Instead of customers, employees are the ones spreading word to their social networks via employee advocacy programs.

  • If you develop a new offering, will customers buy it? That's the perennial challenge for today's companies, and it's increasing as pressures to innovate "first and fast" intensify.