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  • Customers buy on convenience—because they want to make their job or their life easier. Automatic renewals are as easy as it gets. And from a business standpoint, it guarantees repeat business—the lifeblood of well-run organizations.

  • Just as a master chef combines various flavors, restaurants must combine their offline presence, their online presence, and their dine-in experience to create a delicious—and successful—marketing combo.

  • To ensure your marketing communications engage and convince your audiences, you'll need to understand how the human mind works. These are the six characteristics of the decision-making part of the brain you should be using to your advantage.

  • Satisfaction is the emotion consumers most associate with positive brand experiences, according to recent research from InMoment.

  • Just-in-time marketing reduces marketing waste and drives revenue growth. Investing in the right capabilities, models, and technologies can transform marketing operations and achieve a competitive edge.

  • In 2017, marketers will be at the mercy of politics. Net Neutrality, a pillar of Cloud-based content, apps, and services, faces extinction. If the Web becomes a pay-for-performance utility, Cloud-based marketing strategies could become prohibitively expensive.

  • Most (84%) of marketing agencies say content will become more important to their clients over time, according to recent research from CopyPress.

  • High-growth companies are more likely than lower-growth firms to use account-based sales approaches, focus on cold-calling, and employ tech-savvy salespeople, according to recent research from DiscoverOrg.

  • Social media is already an important part of the customer experience. Which is why marketers are using social listening for better targeting during the customer journey. Here are the social listening capabilities you need in your marketing strategy for 2017 and beyond.

  • From customer loyalty to customer experiences to customer identity, 2017 promises to be a big year for customer-centric marketing. Check out this infographic for one company's predictions of the top trends we can expect to see.

  • College students in the United States are increasingly using Uber for transportation, Spotify for music, and Venmo for making payments, according to recent research from Fluent.

  • What happens when your customers aren't happy? Poor customer experiences can affect your bottom line in more ways than you might know.

  • The retail shipping process isn't always smooth, and a bad delivery experience can prevent customers from becoming repeat purchasers. But marketers can take steps to improve the delivery and shipping experiences and keep customers coming back.

  • At a time when tips and tricks for running an online business are so readily available, it should be easy to learn about achieving success. But how can you tell the difference between sound advice and seemingly sound myths?

  • As he moves from provocateur to President, what can Donald Trump learn from marketers about how to build relationships, grow influence, and sustain engagement? He might consider these four marketing-tested ideas.

  • All of us face a low-cost or low-price competitor at one time or another. The solution isn't to lower your prices and engage in a price war; that just means low profitability for everyone. So what can you do to compete?

  • Collecting marketing intelligence on our competitors and rivals has long been a headache in search of an aspirin. We've had to use Google and scores of standalone tools to conduct competitive research. But it looks like we might have a cure in sight, in the form of a chatbot.

  • Ask B2B marketers to identify what they are focused on, year after year, and they will say "revenue." Enter marketing performance management. As we enter 2017, five key changes will make MPM a greater priority than ever for B2B organizations.

  • Marketers know that collecting and using customer data is central to generating positive business results. But, as always, the devil is in the details. Use these five tactics in 2017 to get more value from the customer data you're collecting.

  • Marketing technology has been instrumental in helping marketers reach their audiences in 2016. Here's what you can expect from martech in 2017.