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  • Retailers that provide stellar customer experiences are primed to increase revenue, data shows. Check out this infographic about the state of retail to see how personalized and positive customer experiences can help your bottom line.

  • Neuroscience can give marketers deep insight into what works and what doesn't in persuading customers to buy a product or service. These five neuromarketing principles will boost your marketing efforts.

  • The biggest challenge for a lot of distributed marketing organizations is that they don't have sufficient visibility into the co-op spending of their independent partners.

  • Online and offline retail channels don't have to compete. Complementary digital and in-store experiences are vital to today's customer journey, giving consumers the best of both worlds—and the best returns to retailers.

  • The SIC and NAICS classification systems were developed in an era of relatively little technology, but they provide a useful framework for the hundreds of industry verticals that manufacturing marketers address every day.

  • National and global marketers often find themselves working with local affiliates, from mom-and-pop shops to medium-sized businesses. No matter what your local strategy, use these tips to become a local marketing master.

  • Donor retention is top of mind for nonprofits. And rightly so. But less than 1 in 10 take the most efficient and affordable action for combating decreasing donor retention: executing a welcome series.

  • Online searches related to family travel tend to peak in the spring as people start planning their summer vacations, according to recent research from Bing Ads.

  • What do your employees actually think about your brand? Do they trust your leadership team? And when they talk about the company publicly, does what they say support or undercut your marketing goals?

  • Changes in healthcare marketing have much in common with the shifts B2B marketers across industries have experienced in recent years. So there's plenty B2B marketers can learn from the world of healthcare marketing.

  • Understanding your customers' travel preferences can help you to better understand and reach them.

  • Content marketers strive to create content that not only speaks directly to their target audiences but also compels those audiences to take action. Easier said then done, of course. But these three steps can help.

  • Product packaging is more than just a box or container. It's often a consumer's first impression, and it protects your product and communicates with shippers and buyers. That's a tall order. Luckily, there's a science to packaging that protects—and sells—your products.

  • The annual marketing plan you created last quarter already feels out of date. How on earth are you supposed to plan for an entire year when marketing technology and platforms are changing at the speed of light?

  • Consumers can afford to be selective: Global competition is the norm today, and your retail competitors offer comparable prices and user experiences. To stay competitive in this environment, retailers and brands must make four key trends a priority in 2017.

  • Any detail of your branding efforts can have a negative or positive effect on your customers' decision-making. These visual hacks will help you get attention and enhance your branding efforts.

  • The mobile and digital revolutions have changed the way national and global brands can reach consumers where they are, and when and how they want to be reached. Here's how to do local right.

  • Part 1 examined stimuli that get the attention of the decision-making portion of the brain. Part 2 explains how specific tactics appeal to the brain and improve the effectiveness of your marketing.

  • For healthcare professionals, the days of hanging a shingle and waiting for patients is long over. So what are the best strategies for healthcare organizations, doctors, and physician practices in today's digital world?

  • Having a strong understanding of your customers helps you spot warning signals before sales go completely south, as well as discover trends that can lead to new areas of growth and opportunity. Here are five steps you can take.