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  • Healthcare marketers have unique challenges—but also unique solutions. One channel that is often overlooked by other marketers can be beneficial to those in healthcare: the phone. Check out the infographic to see how.

  • Think "multichannel" and "omnichannel" marketing are the same thing? This infographic explains why they are not—and how they should complement each other to give customers the best overall experience.

  • Content Marketing Institute and MarketingProfs just released their annual B2B content marketing research—the most-cited content marketing research in the world. Get insights into how you can take B2B content marketing to the next level.

  • Some 78% of Millennials prefer spending money on experiences rather than things, and they'll spend more on those experiences despite making less than adults their age did 40 years ago. Check out lots more on Millennial trends in this eye-catching infographic.

  • The oil/petroleum and marketing/advertising industries are the most distrusted by consumers in the United States, according to recent research from HaloCigs.

  • Customer or market research and intelligence are essential to fact-based decision-making. Here are six best-practices for conducting research and reasons for considering external resources to help you avoid costly mistakes.

  • Some 82% of B2B buying committees now include at least one Millennial employee, according to recent research from SnapApp and Heinz Marketing.

  • Many marketers, business owners, and entrepreneurs think innovation is synonymous with invention—and that to move the needle, we need to come up with a shiny new product, market, or idea. But some of the most innovative brands of our time prove otherwise.

  • Steve LaCroix, executive vice-president and chief marketing officer for the Minnesota Vikings NFL football team, discusses how sports marketing has evolved and the importance of enhancing the game-day experience for fans at the stadium.

  • Which social platforms work best for B2B marketing? How is the demographic of the B2B buyer changing? How are B2B marketers using content? Find out the answers and more in today's infographic.

  • Social media monitoring has become an important part of digital marketing. Though most marketers understand its necessity, the details aren't as clear. The most common question: What keywords should I monitor?

  • To survive and thrive, nonprofits have had to develop approaches and skills that for-profits can also use to improve their competitive position, customer relations, and long-term health and value.

  • How clean is your lead data? If it's been sitting around for even a short while, much of it could be outdated and decayed. Check out today's infographic to see how dirty lead data could be hurting your bottom line and what to do about it.

  • Most marketers say they have a deep understanding of how to engage consumers, but many consumers do not agree, according to recent research from Marketo.

  • Multichannel automation, content personalization, social sharing tools, analytics... a marketing Cloud makes it possible to juggle the numerous tools necessary for today's marketing. But do you get a turnkey solution, or do you build your own?

  • If a marketer sends a direct mail piece to a Millennial, is it even read? Very possibly, yes, says today's infographic, which debunks myths about Millennials' interactions with direct mail and offers ideas for how to market to them.

  • The Millennial market: such a tempting conquest, yet so frustrating to conquer. Connecting with this elusive and lucrative demographic is not easy. Here are four major insights to help you market to—and win over—this tough crowd.

  • Many Americans say technology has made them more impatient today than they were five years ago, according to recent research from Fetch and YouGov.

  • In today's consumer environment, we marketers must take risks, otherwise we risk getting lost in the clutter and sinking into irrelevance. Success lies in understanding the difference between taking risks... and being risky.

  • The point of sale (POS) has evolved from the cash register to the online cart and now to voice-activated devices—and soon to virtually anywhere, anytime, in myriad automated ways. The one constant for marketers: user experience.