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  • Message personalization has become a buzzword in marketing. But in most cases, what’s really being used is easily captured demographic and geographic data. To send messages that are truly personal, businesses need to tailor their messages to behavior.

  • There's an elite cadre of CEOs out in the marketplace who have a clear advantage over their counterparts: They have marketing backgrounds. Here's a look at what gives marketing-focused CEOs a leg up in the business world, and what you can learn from them.

  • Online reviews influence online sales, but how much do they also influence offline purchase behavior? Bazaarvoice looked at the ROBO (research online, buy offline) multiplier across various industries and found that consumer-generated content crosses channels.

  • In the new year, a combination of technology advances, organizational cultural shifts, and buyer-behavior changes will push B2B marketing in new directions. Here are four trends that will start to mature in 2018.

  • Agencies overestimate the importance of reputation and underestimate the importance of cost/value when pitching brands, according to recent research from Vennli.

  • Imagine you're tasked with planning a trip. Now imagine trying to do that without knowing the trip's starting point... Tough, right? It's the same with a brand-awareness campaign. You won't get far without first knowing your brand's current standing in the market.

  • Do marketers' beliefs about generations match with how those age groups see themselves? What are the big things that brands get wrong and right about different generations' purchase and online behavior?

  • Customer advisory boards can deliver amazing benefits to host companies and participants, but they can easily backfire if not managed, budgeted, or resourced properly. Here's how to make sure your CAB program succeeds.

  • The Internet of Things is forecast to double in size—from 15.4 billion Internet-connected devices in 2015 to 30.7 billion in 2020. Here are four ways to dominate the massive IoT marketing boom that's headed our way.

  • To pick a side or not to pick a side? That is the question plaguing many brands in today's politically polarized environment. Pick a side, and you risk potentially losing a wide customer base that holds opposing views. Don't pick a side, and you may be viewed as inauthentic.

  • Most of us use Amazon as consumers, but there might be a place for the website in your product sales strategy as well. Some 40% of product sales on Amazon come from third-party sellers. Is it the right platform for your brand?

  • Retailers must now meet the needs and wants of customers wherever they are—in stores, on mobile or desktop sites, in apps, and on social platforms. Here are the preferences of today's shoppers.

  • If you own an ugly sweater store, you're used to post-holiday returns. But what can other retailers do to prepare for the onslaught of customers who want to exchange, return, and maybe even buy more? This infographic shares stats and best practices for succeeding in the return economy.

  • The thing about "Big Data"? It's overused and misused, but it isn't meaningless. Big Data can seriously improve your marketing. The biggest problem? A lack of people who know how to use Big Data. And that right there is your big opportunity.

  • The influencer marketing space is moving fast, and today's infographic reviews trends from the past year to help you know what to expect in 2018.

  • Luckily, you don't have to be psychic to know what 2018 will likely bring for marketers. PAN Communications asked 11 CMOs what marketing trends they expect to see in the next 12 months. Their predictions can help set you up for a successful year ahead.

  • For decades, marketers have meticulously segmented audiences on demographics and personas, but these methods are growing irrelevant. There are stronger predictors of buying habits.

  • Check out this infographic for how you can benefit from influencer marketing, what pricing might look like, how to decide whether micro influencers or macro influencers are right for your brand, and much more.

  • For any marketing campaign to be successful, marketers must find innovative ways to interweave the brand's core values with the cultural context of the intended audience—its ideologies, tensions, values...

  • Most firms (93%) expect to increase their spend on digital marketing in 2018, according to recent research from Ascend2.