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  • Content on different channels and on different devices is consumed in different ways; as a result, there are more challenges for the storyteller, but more opportunities, too—including transmedia storytelling. Find out about the persuasive capabilities of storytelling across platforms.

  • A change in calendar year is an ideal time to think about where things have been and where things are going. For email marketers, the future is bright—as long as we take advantage of important trends and apply best-practices.

  • Being data-driven is a top priority for most marketers—because they understand its vital importance to achieving marketing success. And every great data-driven marketing program rests on a foundation of data integrity and data ownership. Consider these nine tips to help you lay that foundation in your organization.

  • What will 2019 bring for marketers? These predictions from 19 CMOs can help you figure out what to expect in four key areas, from creating better customer experiences to keeping marketing data secure. See how they can help you plan for a stronger 2019.

  • 21 industry stars, 21 pieces of valuable advice for you to up your marketing game in the new year: don't miss this special yearend video episode of the Marketing Smarts podcast!

  • If initial holiday sales figures generated between Thanksgiving Eve and Cyber Monday are any indication, 2018 could be a record-breaking year for e-commerce. Check out some of the more interesting stats and initial figures behind that proposition.

  • Dear SEO professionals: Clients don't simply want our SEO recommendations... they want guaranteed results. Why should you offer SEO guarantees? When should you offer SEO guarantees? And what kind of SEO guarantees should you offer? Read on to find out.

  • Here's the hard truth: Most CMOs will never be able to get all their work done. Yet, Marketing is critical to the success or failure of organizations. The solution? A rigorous focus on the things that matter most. So here are three areas for CMOs to prioritize, and three to let go of.

  • Why is online marketing poised to be heavily influenced by AI? Because many marketing processes are already automated—and so can be managed by AI technologies relatively easily. And because AI can improve the performance of marketing campaigns and drive revenue. These three areas of marketing will likely be affected first.

  • Most B2C marketers are seeing improved results from content marketing and plan to increase their spending on it in the year ahead, according to annual research from MarketingProfs and Content Marketing Institute.

  • When you're smarter about your audience's needs and behaviors, you can meet those needs more effectively. That's where a data-driven approach to personas can make all the difference. Go beyond the limits of traditional marketing personas.

  • Net Promoter Score helps you understand your overall customer relationships and plan referral marketing. Learn what NPS is, how it works, and why you might consider asking your customers that one important question.

  • Brands throw all sorts of marketing techniques at the wall to see what sticks, but what do your customers really want? Yieldify surveyed 1,000 online shoppers, and here's what it learned about providing exceptional customer experiences.

  • Consumers are in a spending mood, and retailers should be paying attention. By planning ahead, brands can encourage purchases now and also set themselves up for more business in the long run.

  • Third-party customer-intent data is helpful, but the best way to ensure you have the most accurate, useful intent data is to collect website-visitor data yourself. Here's how to do that.

  • Many brands are exploring the benefits of pop-up shops, which can provide brand awareness and test markets at lower costs and less commitment than other options. See why your brand might consider a pop-up shop.

  • From reducing your costs to improving your customers' privacy, blockchain technology can seem like the perfect solution for e-commerce businesses. If you're not sure how it works exactly, read on to learn what blockchain is and how it can help your brand.

  • Account-based marketing isn't new, but many marketers still run into issues with implementation and performance. Here are six common ABM problems--and their solutions.

  • B2B buyers say not having enough information was the top factor that slowed their last purchase, according to recent research from Showpad.

  • Thanksgiving is coming up quickly, but marketers still have time to release campaigns related to the big day. In fact, consumers are only just starting to shop for the holiday. Read on for tips on how to drive purchases in these last few important weeks.