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  • At this point, your company is probably investing time and money into social media, but a key component still missing from most social media marketing efforts is an employee advocacy program. These stats show why that's likely a big shortcoming.

  • These days, finding data about consumer behavior is so easy, our instinct is to pile up a mountain of it so we get a better view of customer preferences, behaviors, and experiences. That sky-high view empowers us to see a vast landscape, but it leaves us blind to what actually shapes behavior: consumer feelings.

  • It's already back-to-school season—the second-biggest retail event of the year, behind holiday shopping. But effectively targeting these shoppers takes a bit of planning. Use the stats and strategies in this infographic to plan the most effective back-to-school campaigns.

  • This list of marketing thought leaders is designed to be a place where you can find some of the best and brightest minds on most marketing topics. Who's on this list? 100+ genuine marketing thought leaders spanning a wide range of marketing disciplines.

  • Businesses worldwide are jumping onto technological advancements and changes in marketing. If you're not prioritizing digital marketing, you're merely giving your competitors a chance to get ahead. See just how important digital marketing is for businesses today.

  • Sales leaders and front-line salespeople agree that prospecting is their top challenge, but after that they disagree on the most difficult aspects of their jobs, according to recent research from RAIN Group.

  • Consumers tend to shop in store for what they "need" and online for what they "want," according to recent research from

  • Are the 4Ps still important? Has the emergence of customer-centricity supplanted them? How has digital changed the marketing and sales funnel? What's the new relationship between Marketing and Sales? This article explores those questions—and more.

  • Word-of-mouth recommendations remain the top way consumers discover new retail brands, according to recent research from Yes Marketing.

  • Considering the $350 billion combined spending power of Millennials and Gen Z, brands have made it a priority to reach them, motivate them, and inspire loyalty among them. But how? Here's what a panel of experts from Facebook, Airbnb, Lyft, Ellevest, and InterQ Research suggested marketers do.

  • Most marketers want to deliver consistent omnichannel experiences, but 4 out of 10 still struggle with launching integrated campaigns across channels. This infographic highlights marketers' key omnichannel challenges and needs. Take a look.

  • Experiential marketing has hit its stride. Once considered experimental or risky, it has now proven its legitimacy among major brands. So whether you're organizing an immersive pop-up, on-site virtual reality installation, or a live performance, follow these seven tips to achieve the ROI you're looking for.

  • Marketing controversial products or services—such as cannabis and cosmetic surgery—involves more than following rules and regulations. The legal and ethical landscape in those markets is dynamic, continually creating hurdles and challenges for marketers. Here are five marketing strategies to help educate consumers and build trust in controversial markets.

  • A thought-leadership program drives value and builds trust. But many marketers struggle to identify their unique industry perspective, and then to integrate it into their messaging, positioning, and content. These five steps will help you kick off (or elevate) your thought-leadership program.

  • Consumer behavior is continually evolving, both adapting to and influencing our permanently connected world. How can marketers—and, more broadly, businesses—keep up with the pace of change and evolving consumer behavior?

  • Fortnite's live performances and Netflix's new ventures are evidence that younger audiences' expectations of content are changing: They don't want to just watch it, they want to experience it. What will be the next way to grab mass audiences' precious time and attention?

  • Today's consumers have endless options, so they expect you to compete for their brand love. That's why forging a genuine connection with them is so important: It will secure their loyalty.

  • What does the language used in tweets by popular digital marketing influencers reveal about their personalities? Which personality traits do marketing influencers tend to have in common?

  • Segmentation—the process of identifying specific customer groups—is imperative for personalized marketing and communications. Yet, despite all the effort they put in, companies repeatedly make easily avoidable segmentation mistakes. Here are five common ones, along with tips to avoid them.

  • Personalization is powerful: It improves customer experience, it increases brand loyalty, it drives revenue, and it promotes creative consistency across marketing channels. Check out this infographic on the power, potential, and process of personalization.