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  • Is your direct marketing strategy still effective? The events of 2020 have likely prompted you to begin re-evaluating it. As you do that, keep in mind these three tactics for optimizing your direct marketing.

  • The pandemic has changed everyone, including your customers. The buyer personas you created a year ago no longer apply. Here's how to adapt your messaging and content for your customers' current needs and behaviors.

  • Senior marketers say the biggest marketing leadership deficiency in their organizations is an understanding of the customer journey, according to recent research from the CMO Council and Chief Outsiders.

  • This recent infographic explores the current audio marketing landscape and covers what has and has not changed for marketers.

  • No two people are better-suited to help us move into a world of weird marketing—marketing based on ideas derived from divergent thinking—than Scottt Trobaugh and Cliff Lewis from Godfrey. Let's bring the weird to B2B marketing.

  • B2B marketers have many partnerships—with intermediaries, customers, and others. Some are close relationships, and some aren't. How can you tell what type you need? And if want a close, long-term, and profitable B2B relationship, how can you ensure it will be?

  • Most senior marketers are very optimistic about the US economic outlook and plan to increase their marketing spend over the next 12 months.

  • If you could do one thing to your marketing to make a sustainable difference in your ability to impact the business, it's to change what you measure.

  • For many, the threat of an economic crisis inspires fear and uncertainty. But strategic, smart wins can still happen if you reframe your messaging and shift your focus. Here are four tactics to use.

  • The top areas that technology content marketers are investing in include website enhancements and content creation, according to research from MarketingProfs and the Content Marketing Institute.

  • Communities are, by definition, places with shared connections. Community-based marketing makes use of those connections to advance your marketing efforts. Here's how to make CBM part of your strategy in 2021.

  • If you want to improve loyalty, boost revenue, and maximize each customer touchpoint (and who doesn't?), it's time to up your experience management (XM) game. Join us for this not-to-be-missed session tailored to marketing and CX professionals—and learn how to adapt and improve your customer experience programs for the challenges of 2021 and beyond. Sponsored by Qualtrics.

  • Uncovering your company's major competitors and market share is important to growing your business. This article gives an example of a competitive analysis using Semrush's tool. See all the details.

  • Most senior marketers say their firm does not measure customer lifetime value (LTV) well, according to recent research from the CMO Council and Deloitte.

  • Are your marketing programs designed around what you think your customers want, or what you know they want? If you're not taking advantage of customer feedback, you're missing a huge opportunity. Get ready to harness the power of human insight. Sponsored by UserTesting.

  • Unlocking the nuances of the human brain in relation to marketing is a fascinating area of study. Nancy Harhut joins us to talk psychology, behavioral sciences, questionable experiments, and how these all relate to marketing.

  • The COVID-19 pandemic still affecting communities around the world, so it may seem a bad time to start a business. However, many successful companies have been founded during downturns, recessions, and depressions.

  • B2B marketers say they are using intent data—signals gleaned from users' content consumption or other interactions with digital properties—to identify new accounts to target, align sales and marketing teams, and prioritize accounts for prospecting.

  • The past year has shown us that anything can happen. In the future, how can we adapt to the moment and communicate in the best way possible? Check out these three tips.

  • Every business collects customer feedback, but an overemphasis on aggregate data can drown out individual customer needs and voices. To achieve true customer-centricity, follow these five steps.