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  • As the world shifts further toward a culture of technology following the tumultuous year of 2020, building a culture of trust is a difficult task for any brand. Show your customers they can trust you by focusing on these three things.

  • Marketers hear all the time that they should embrace personalization. But what does that mean? How exactly can you deliver more relevant and targeted messaging?

  • Are you paying enough attention to your customers' post-sale journey? Probably not. Now's the time to up your game, provide content your customers want, and build advocates for your brand. You need a customer-engagement strategy. Sponsored by Uberflip.

  • Sure, B2B buyers may be back, and budgets may be recovering, but buyer behavior has fundamentally changed. Adapt to altered buying behaviors by following these three tips.

  • The transformation to digital engagement from in-person selling has undoubtedly been a challenge. Seven executives from Fortune 1000 companies share their experiences of successfully shifting to digital customer engagement.

  • To execute marketing strategy, marketers need to synchronize and coordinate—they need to orchestrate—a host of marketing processes. Your tech stack can either empower or undermine that effort. Here are five things you need to know.

  • Most marketers plan to increase their ad spend in 2021 on digital channels, such as social media, search, and video, and either maintain or reduce their spend on traditional channels, such as television, according to Nielsen research.

  • If you're marketing a technology product or service, your content and messaging need to address topics that are trending with the developer and tech community. But how do you learn what's trending, and what's the best way to keep your marketing efforts on point and valuable to this audience? Sponsored by Stack Overflow.

  • Cold sales outreach has lost popularity with B2B marketers, but that doesn't mean the technique is obsolete: You just have to start by warming up your prospects first. Here's how, in five steps.

  • The tides are changing in the relationship between B2B organizations and their PR and marketing agencies. Market demands have shifted, and both sides of the client/agency relationship must adapt. Read this article for survey-based insights.

  • How can marketers successfully market to the C-suite? By making meaningful connections with personalized, immersive brand experiences on the most effective channels. Find out about those experiences and channels in this article.

  • Intent data collects the digital breadcrumbs that buyers leave behind as they progress on their digital buying journey. How can you integrate such valuable intent data into your marketing strategy? Find out.

  • Loni Stark, vice-president of strategy and product at Adobe, opens up about managing an enterprise team remotely and bringing your whole self to work, as well as how creative pursuits outside of work can improve on-the-job performance and satisfaction.

  • The pandemic has significantly changed the way B2B buyers and sellers do business. To adapt to the new B2B sales and marketing world, adopt these five strategies.

  • When marketers want to measure customer experience and loyalty, they often use Net Promoter Score (NPS), which focuses on whether customers would recommend your product or service. That's nice to know, of course, but reliance on that one simple metric is likely limiting your opportunities for growth and excellence. It's time to go beyond NPS and use a KPI that actually forecasts loyalty and growth.

  • Are you struggling to access, analyze, and make sense of data that is siloed, fragmented, or otherwise lacking in full-picture insights? It's time to make the best possible use of all your data—by ensuring it can be a single source of truth that gives you a 360-degree view and helps you achieve better ROI. Sounds good, right? Sponsored by Snowflake.

  • Marketing automation technology is no longer a luxury; it's a necessity for companies to operate efficiently. From improved customer experience to increased visibility, here are some of the many advantages to using AI and automation.

  • When we think of any product or service, particular associations come to mind. The question to ask yourself is whether the associations your customers are making about your product or service are the ones you want them to have. If you don't position your product, service, or company, your competition will do it for you—and you probably won't like what they have to say. This e-book is a guide to the art and science of creating a defensible market position.

  • Evolutionary psychology and digital marketing expert Tim Ash shares insights from his book 'Unleash Your Primal Brain: Demystifying How We Think and Why We Act.'

  • Sweet treats, tumblers, and e-commerce gift cards were among the most popular gifts B2B firms sent to buyers and customers in 2020, according to recent research from Sendoso.