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  • Now that customer experience drives such a large percentage of customer loyalty, many companies are appointing chief experience officers (CXOs) to manage CX across departments. Here are three things those CXOs should keep in mind.

  • Buyer journeys are independent of your sales funnel, which is why so much of those journeys is hidden. But there's a way to be there when they set off on their journey. You just need to see the signals.

  • Not every conversion means making a sale—especially in B2B, where every customer goes on a long journey before deciding whether to buy. That journey is made up of micro-conversions. This article provides more information about identifying and tracking them.

  • The share of ad spend going towards TV and social media next year is expected to be twice as high as daily consumption of those channels by audiences, according to recent research from WARC.

  • The key to finding an effective solution to divisions between Sales and Marketing is to understand what's causing conflict in the first place. Here's how to evaluate your own company's situation for optimal alignment between the two teams.

  • B2B marketers may love email, but it can take a while for prospects to open one, even if they're interested. If you want to get people's eyes on your message in seconds, there's no better way than SMS. Here are five SMS campaign ideas.

  • This infographic from Semrush explores six key criteria that are often utilized for market segmentation: geographic, demographic, psychographic, behavioral, media, and benefit.

  • There may be no magic bullet for increasing lead generation, but tweaking your marketing content can still boost the response to it—and improve lead quality. Here are six easy ways to do that.

  • A hybrid event strategy is more than just livestreaming the presentation room. Remote attendees tend to become distracted, so you must take their engagement level into account and tweak your approach accordingly.

  • Even though B2C and B2B brands operate differently, B2B brands can implement B2C digital marketing strategies to increase revenue and develop long-term customer relationships. Here are three areas to focus on.

  • We usually associate customer empathy with B2C sales and impulse buys, but empathy marketing can be just as effective in B2B marketing. Here are five ways to use it.

  • How can you ensure that your brand isn't losing loyalty? This infographic from Chattermill covers six strategies for maintaining customer trust, including owning up to mistakes and overtly displaying your brand's core values.

  • One of the most critical aspects of any successful marketing campaign is knowing your audience. But it's what you do with that knowledge that determines campaign success. Here are five tips that can help.

  • Agile marketing is a good fit for the B2B business environment. So how you do optimize your martech stack for Agile methods? This article has some ideas.

  • Your company probably spends a great deal on digital marketing. But, despite all the data and analysis about your digital campaigns, do you know what's really working and what's not? Can you measure your digital marketing's impact? It's time to forge a path to ensure your company's digital maturity.

  • The newly released 12th Annual B2B Content Marketing Benchmarks, Budgets, and Trends report highlights how B2B brands are waking up to the power of content marketing and are increasingly investing in the approach.

  • How do you go from marketing to creating a better audience experience? Oli Gardner shares his journey from frustration with bad marketing and ugly landing pages to full-time event speaking and thought leadership.

  • Today's business is no longer about getting new logos and ringing the sales bell—it's about keeping the customers you have. This article explains why closing a deal is only the first step in connecting with customers.

  • Connecting with customers and reducing churn should not be relegated to your support team alone. Customer success relies on the actions of every department. Here are four ways to encourage that culture of customer success.

  • The most common approach that senior marketers take for setting their marketing budget is to create a yearly budget based on the previous year's expenses, according to recent research from The CMO Survey.