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  • Amplifying your content can be as simple as breaking a larger piece into bite-sized (byte-sized?) pieces, and there's no better way to get those pieces than by having a good conversation.

  • Explore how addressing sustainability topics on LinkedIn such as emissions and renewable energy can help boost engagement with audiences and influence purchase decisions.

  • Many marketers get to the point where they want to venture out on their own, but starting a new agency can be confusing and complicated. Here are four benchmarks to count on, and what you should measure when you get there.

  • Data is no good to anyone if it's just lying around. To be useful, it has to be analyzed and applied. That's where people come in. Check out these examples of people and data being better together.

  • Replacing a ho-hum experience with something clever that brings a smile or otherwise engages is incredibly powerful. Make the most of every customer touchpoint by being creative in these six places.

  • Data can drive better marketing strategies and help make content more authoritative. However, when data is interpreted incorrectly, it can lead marketers astray. Explore 15 common data mistakes that should be avoided.

  • Marketers should be gazing into their crystal balls to see how their company will really fare in the cookieless future. Here are the tactics that will keep brands afloat.

  • Marketers at big firms say the shift towards privacy and the depreciation of online cookies has had the greatest impact on their social media and search marketing, according to recent research.

  • In the modern digital world, customer experience is not just about how you deliver the features of your products but also about how your customers interact with those products online. For excellent product experiences, follow these three tips.

  • Dating horror stories... we all have them. But happens when dating goes well? It looks a lot like a long-term relationship between a company and its repeat customers.

  • When done right, phone conversations can transform your marketing ROI. Learn what can happen when you put as much focus on phone conversations as you do other marketing strategies. Check out this webinar to discover the strategies leading brands are using. Sponsored by Invoca.

  • After 2+ years of major pivots and accelerated digital transformation, brands are now having to take a close look at how they handle customer data. To make absolutely necessary improvements, organizations must meet three challenges and implement a series of best-practices.

  • This infographic piece explores the decision-making process, different types of e-commerce behaviors, common psychological triggers, and psychology principles that influence conversions.

  • Your customers' experience should be seamless and smooth as a swan on water, which means making a shift in the inner workings of your company. Here are three tips to get there.

  • What we marketers call a business-to-business-to-consumer (B2B2C) model—having not only businesses but also their consumers as marketing audiences—can be daunting if you don't have a recipe for success. These are three must-have ingredients.

  • Senior marketers say they are doing a good job of continually testing and iterating on their digital marketing activities but are struggling with integrating all touchpoints, according to recent research from The CMO Survey.

  • "Earth Day every day!" they always said in elementary school. We were enthusiasts then, but it's easy to get bogged down in the adult world of making a living. Here are six steps you can take today to bring sustainability to your marketing.

  • Digital marketing consists of so many tactics that it can be hard to tell what's working—which may be why many companies suspect that it isn't. But these four tried-and-true tactics should always be part of the mix.

  • B2B marketers say social media was the most successful tactic they used for generating high-quality leads at the top of the funnel last year and webinars was the most successful mid-funnel tactic, according to recent research from Demand Spring.

  • This infographic explains how to calculate churn and covers five customer churn problems: misunderstanding your target market, not offering enough value, subpar customer service, weak brand loyalty, and overcommunication.