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  • Small business owners and entrepreneurs rank content marketing, social media ads, and word-of-mouth as the most effective tactics for garnering interest and attention from audiences, according to recent research from Skynova.

  • Marketers know how important differentiation is to brand identity. Sally Hogshead goes even further by saying that trying to be better than your competitors is a discouraging slog: The only thing you can control is your difference, so you have to turn that into your specialty.

  • You have a big channel partner who has doubled your sales. Yeah! But then the partner starts making decisions willy-nilly without checking with you. D'oh! Here's how to prevent similar conflicts.

  • Do the potentials of blockchain technology go beyond the novelty of "owning" a digital piece of art? Perhaps. Future marketers could harness NFTs for functions typically associated with customer relationship management.

  • Is your ABM strategy following deals through close, or is it focused only on the top of the funnel? If the latter, your strategy is actually limited to tech and demand gen instead of true ABM.

  • "Click here for more." Is anyone actually going to click on a call to action like that? Probably not. Check out what makes for a good cold email CTA in this article.

  • Okay, we've all heard about NFTs. But are they actually useful in the marketing world? How can brands incorporate them into their strategy? The answer may lie in community-building.

  • A RevOps department is only as effective as its unification of metrics—and it really should be the marketing department that takes that leap, argues this article.

  • B2B marketers say their biggest marketing concern is how to generate more leads, whereas B2B salespeople say their biggest marketing concern is how to improve lead quality, according to recent research from SharpSpring and Ascend2.

  • Digital transformation doesn't have to turn your sales reps into disembodied Internet heads. B2B buyers have become more self-serve, yes; but it's still advantageous for them to work with seller expertise, even post-pandemic.

  • Pride Month is upon us, and many companies will rebrand with rainbows to mark the occasion. But running Pride campaigns without aligning your brand with LGBT struggles is disingenuous. Here's how to do Pride Month right.

  • You definitely want your customers to take their content personally. But that can be difficult when, in many cases, the customer is actually a group of buyers. Learn how to personalize for buying group marketing.

  • Instead of lamenting the impending tightrope walk between personalization and privacy, marketers should take advantage of the cookieless environment and forge better customer relationships.

  • Customers don't just jump into a car and drive around aimlessly until they reach a purchase. They follow a map—one that can be mirrored for greater business success.

  • You can't sell anything if you don't know whom you're selling to. That's where buyer personas come in. This article answers your questions about the benefits and uses of buyer personas.

  • How is artificial intelligence actually helping marketers? This infographic explores some of the major ways AI is enabling marketing teams to boost their performance.

  • To create first-class customer experiences that drive revenue, you have to convey to audiences—in their local language—that you can meet their wants and needs. So how do you localize your content so it engages and converts international customers at scale? Sponsored by Unbabel.

  • Amplifying your content can be as simple as breaking a larger piece into bite-sized (byte-sized?) pieces, and there's no better way to get those pieces than by having a good conversation.

  • Explore how addressing sustainability topics on LinkedIn such as emissions and renewable energy can help boost engagement with audiences and influence purchase decisions.

  • Many marketers get to the point where they want to venture out on their own, but starting a new agency can be confusing and complicated. Here are four benchmarks to count on, and what you should measure when you get there.