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  • "Oh, that company? I hear it's shady..." Don't let that happen to you! Consistent vigilance over your media mentions can help manage your brand's reputation.

  • "Earth Day every day!" they always said in elementary school. We were enthusiasts then, but it's easy to get bogged down in the adult world of making a living. Here are six steps you can take today to bring sustainability to your marketing.

  • You ever wake up one day and realize that your martech stack is completely out of control? Here's what may solve your problem.

  • Marketers say their customer data platform and email marketing platform are the top marketing technologies that they can't live without, according to recent research from Oracle and Ascend2.

  • Although the sales team shouldn't function exactly like your significant other (at least, we hope not), marketing leaders can learn a lot about alignment from how a marriage endures. Check out these four lessons.

  • This piece looks at four marketing ops responsibilities: building and maintaining systems, managing cross-functional projects, handling email and CRM systems, and managing and analyzing data.

  • Big ad channels can't be trusted to give you real analytics. Facebook wants you to use Facebook, so it fudges the stats to ensure you will. Multitouch attribution tools, on the other hand, are impartial and effective.

  • Business leaders say staffing issues/shortages will be the biggest challenge to successfully delivering customer engagement and experience in 2022, according to recent research from Verint.

  • Time to take your brand to the doctor. How does it measure up? Ask yourself these six questions to see if you need to make changes.

  • Nearly half of HR leaders believe that meeting culture—the length, frequency, and outcomes of meetings—is a major challenge for their company, according to recent research from Time Is Ltd. and Ascend2.

  • PR seems firmly tied up in a company's brand reputation vs. money-making ventures. But that perception needs to change, argues this article.

  • Full-time workers would like to see their employers prioritize work-life balance and invest more in team-building events to foster a stronger company culture, according to recent research from HubSpot.

  • High conversion rates for your content can be elusive, but a solid way to get there is by ensuring your prospects are being served exactly what they need—and in the right order. Check out these tips for aligning content to each customer journey.

  • B2B marketers are participating in professional training, but too often it's not helping them improve business results, according to recent research from MarketingProfs.

  • Ahh! Crisis! What now? Before you attempt to communicate with the outside world, your internal crisis management must run smoothly. This article offers five tips to ensure it does.

  • This infographic looks at seven perks of Marketing and Sales alignment, including how it drives better marketing strategies and faster growth.

  • Not all of us can be good at naming things, which is why we have brand-naming agencies and experts to make sure a new name rolls right off the tongue. This article gives five ways to tell whether a brand-namer is worth your while.

  • A product information management system sorts, organizes, and updates your marketing assets for you. Sort of like a sentient library card catalogue. Now that would be cool. Lucky for you, PIM can be almost that cool.

  • It's finally here: MarketingProfs' first-of-its-kind report on the state of B2B marketing training. And the revelations abound! Take a look.

  • Technology and data are crucial to your campaign's success. But does your technology give you data when and how you need it? Join us for this webinar and learn how to use real-time customer behaviors to deliver (or pivot) your ads at the exact right time. Sponsored by ViralGains.