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  • In this PRO seminar, we'll share the recipe for event success: brand recognition, lead generation, and thought leadership. You'll be able to use this framework to help your company get the most out of events and achieve your business objectives.

  • In this PRO seminar, we'll share the recipe for event success: brand recognition, lead generation, and thought leadership. You'll be able to use this framework to help your company get the most out of events and achieve your business objectives.

  • In just 10 minutes, you'll learn seven key customer attraction strategies to ensure a consistent flow of traffic to your booth. We'll go beyond how to pick the ideal booth location and will provide you with tips on how to train your team to drive attendees in, booth promotions that work, creative differentiation ideas, and more—so you'll leave each event with a list of qualified leads and a positive ROI.

  • This handy guide breaks down the costs associated with exhibiting, from basic (stands and booths) to the cost of travel, day-of expenses, and entertainment of prospective clients and customers.

  • Some 23% of marketers say they are not very satisfied with their ability to measure the ROI of sponsorship and event marketing initiatives, and 15% percent say they are not at all satisfied, the Association of National Advertisers reports.

  • Both face-to-face and virtual marketing are essential components of any company's communications strategy. Learn the benefits of both approaches and how they can be combined to maximize return on investment.

  • Imagine making your events (marketing meetings, conferences, tradeshows, etc.) available to a much larger, highly attentive audience that can conveniently gather and exchange information, browse exhibits, receive product demos, provide feedback, and network—all via their computer.