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  • Let's be honest: Website visitors hate to fill out your lead generation forms. Luckily, there are proven ways to reduce form friction and get prospects to hand over their valuable information.

  • B2B buyers say they are now paying more attention to the trustworthiness of content sources when evaluating products/services, according to recent research from Demand Gen Report and Uberflip.

  • Marketing videos create awareness. But then what? What do viewers do after they click the "Play" button? If you want to know a lot more about your customers and your videos, get them interacting with each other. It's easier than you think, and you'll get data while your customers and prospects get a personalized experience.

  • Few things are lonelier than a website with many visitors but no conversions. Take some advice from the pros on conversion rate optimization (CRO) to turn those browsers into buyers.

  • Tradeshows and in-person events are powerful marketing tactics. Read on to learn what to do before, during, and after a tradeshow to drive engagement and sales.

  • Customers who purchase based on product recommendations result in a 20% higher average order value, according to data analyzed by Dynamic Yield. Check out the company's helpful infographic for best practices in implementing recommendations for your brand.

  • Here are some real-life examples of how an account-based marketing and selling approach on LinkedIn can drive not just reach and awareness but also demand and revenue.

  • Call tracking is one of the most powerful tools for your inbound marketing efforts. It results in clear-cut, actionable campaign data, enabling you to better optimize your inbound marketing strategy.

  • Marketers are using more digital channels than ever, and they are under pressure to prove the ROI of those efforts. Many look to attribution solutions to understand how channels are contributing to sales. But it's not that simple.

  • B2B marketers say email, organic search, whitepapers, webinars, and LinkedIn are the most effective digital channels/tactics for generating leads, according to recent research from DemandWave.

  • The highly coveted Millennial consumer demographic's media habits differ from other generations'. Here's a look at Millennials' TV-watching, music-listening, subscription-buying, and other media habits.

  • A buyer's journey is rarely a straight line, but agile selling can help your sales and marketing teams get buyers to the finish line faster. It's how you can make sense of a turbulent sales cycle.

  • Successful inbound marketing content is no accident. This infographic walks you through seven steps to ensure your content generates leads, builds visibility, and is measurable. Consider it a journey to inbound enlightenment.

  • Why are case studies so useful in sales and marketing? Because they can trigger the underlying emotional drivers of buyer behavior. So here are five ways you can apply psychology to supercharge case studies—and content, in general.

  • Mobile e-commerce is growing, and the big opportunities are still ahead of us. Check out this infographic to see why consumers resist purchasing on mobile and what retailers can—and must—do to change that.

  • Just because we marketers understand the power of video doesn't mean we use it to its full potential. If you're not using video in all the stages of the marketing funnel, you're leaving conversions and sales on the table.

  • Follow-up emails sent exactly one hour after customers abandon online shopping carts/booking forms have the highest conversion rates, according to recent research from SaleCycle.

  • Push marketing. Pull marketing. Content marketing. Social selling. Sales enablement. All are in the playbook that Marketing and Sales use to grow the business via digital channels. Here's what content marketers need to know about their role.

  • Could a network of partners be your ticket to accelerated growth and market expansion? If so, where do you start? How do you build a solid partner ecosystem and ensure it's functioning as it should?

  • In the debate of paid traffic versus organic traffic, which wins? Is that even the right question to ask? Here are some lessons learned from a recent campaign.