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  • If your salespeople aren't effective presenters, they'll never achieve their full potential—even if they're good at selling. Which is why it's critical to understand and monitor this vital skill. Here's how to measure and evaluate sales presentation skills.

  • Search data can be used to better understand audiences and make predictions for the near future. As some parts of the world begin to reopen their doors, what might the COVID-19 exit phase look like based on what search data is telling us?

  • Most B2B companies around the world have already reduced their marketing spend because of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to recent research from McKinsey.

  • These are some of the most common and costly mistakes that marketers make when adopting, implementing, and executing ABM. But you can avoid making these 7 mistakes. Here's how.

  • LinkedIn has been testing a new conversational format—LinkedIn Stories—to be released "soon." So, what does the introduction of LinkedIn's own version of Stories mean? Will it "kickstart conversations" and "nurture relationships," as LinkedIn hopes?

  • How are marketers supposed to cut through the clutter when email response rates hover around 1%? All it might take is an offline nudge with the help of direct mail. Direct still works. It works better when combined with digital.

  • How do you generate more leads in what is the digital marketing jungle of today? It helps to understand current trends that on-the-ground practitioners are seeing in digital marketing. Here are some do's and dont's based on their advice.

  • To turn your first encounter with potential clients into an effective account-based marketing (ABM) relationship, you must engage your audience, establish credibility, and ask them for an easy "yes." Here's what you need to know.

  • Particularly in ABM, offline engagement tactics—such as B2B direct mail—can make an impression and differentiate you from your competition. When, post-pandemic, businesses reopen their offices, B2B organizations should give direct mail a serious look.

  • The idea of account-based marketing (ABM) isn't new. But recently we've moved beyond basics, shifting into full-on strategies and mindsets around how B2B marketing needs to get done. And when you think about that, it's a lot like dating.

  • Product marketing and sales enablement teams share an ultimate goal: to help sales teams sell. In many organizations, however, they plan and execute in silos, with misaligned efforts and priorities. And that simply undermines Sales. Here are ways to instead build collaboration and drive revenue.

  • Upselling makes sense when business is booming, but how about in times of economic uncertainty—like now? Companies that can strategically and compassionately navigate business development conversations in these times will be the ones that emerge intact and in good standing.

  • B2B marketers who rely on in-person interactions to connect with clients and drive lead generation now need alternatives. One strategy to continue promoting our brands is digital advertising—including programmatic. And it doesn't have to be complicated.

  • Done well, content marketing can be a powerful weapon in the B2B marketer's arsenal, helping to generate leads, nurture them, and convert them into customers. Done badly, it's ineffective and a waste of time and other precious resources. Here are some ways to do it well.

  • Every salesperson wants a healthy pipeline, but many don't have a reliable way to take its temperature. Beyond just "healthy" or "dry," what do you need to look at to truly gauge the health of a sales pipeline? These nine important pipeline metrics.

  • Marketers create content to capture buyers' attention and move them to buy. But without "compelling reason to buy" messaging, potential buyers are left guessing about what your product does and how it can help them. Here's how to craft compelling, convincing messages.

  • In B2B marketing and sales, accurate data is crucial. High-quality B2B data allows Sales to improve targeting, reach the right person, take a personalized approach, and successfully drive revenue. Bad data can destroy that entire process.

  • No matter how much value you provide, some customers will drift away. But if you put in some effort, you can create an offboarding process that leaves a positive impression and keeps the door open for future business. Here's what you need to know.

  • Marketing orchestration is a powerful approach in marketing automation and ABM. It focuses not on delivering standalone campaigns but on optimizing a set of related cross-channel interactions that together make up an individualized customer experience. In the process, you realize more pipeline and revenue.

  • To capture leads via your content, you need to provide value and engage your audience. That's where interactive content comes in—from quizzes to contests and giveaways. Here are five excellent tools you can use to create interactive content and capture leads.