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  • Wish you could leverage the power of video in your content marketing and demand gen efforts—but not sure where to start? We'll show you what you need to succeed. Sponsored by Vidyard.

  • Speaker, author, and influence marketing expert Jason Falls talks about how most marketing organizations are missing the boat on influence (and how you can win big by getting on board).

  • Email remains a powerful and valuable means of business communication for sales, customer support, and account management teams—for businesses and marketers, in general. This infographic highlights email stats and email responsiveness best-practices.

  • We've had it drummed into our heads that inbound leads are the Holy Grail of our marketing efforts. We've come to believe they are the quickest and most effective to convert. But is that really the case?

  • In the new era of data privacy and more stringent privacy regulations, marketers need to turn away from third-party data. To build trust while maintaining personalization, marketers are turning to zero-party data. So... what is it, and how can you collect it?

  • Trade publications are inundated with references to, and hype for, artificial intelligence. Everywhere you look, AI is being touted as the answer--even to some questions we aren't asking. Marketing is not immune to this push for AI. Quite the opposite, actually. But is it warranted?

  • Price wars create a seemingly unsolvable dilemma: Match the competitor's price and risk losing profits, or ignore the competitor's price and risk losing revenues. Yet, based on a vital but universally neglected business principle, there is a powerful solution to winning—and preventing—price wars.

  • When building or updating a contact page, or including a contact form in any of your digital marketing projects, go through this checklist. You'll make your customer's life easier—and increase the chance that they'll actually give you the information you need.

  • Even in the era of data protection legislation, some marketers continue to adhere to old ways. But a massive upheaval of marketing will occur in the next couple of years, which is why smart marketers will focus on building long-term relationships through personalization.

  • Without easy-to-follow guidelines, it's hard to ensure proper CCPA compliance, including the involvement of those (internally and externally) who have a role to play in compliance. So, if you feel behind or lost, or you don't know what to feel about CCPA, this article should help.

  • Somewhere online—Google, Yelp, Facebook, Amazon, and so on—there are reviews of your product, service, or company. Some of those reviews are glowing, some are horribly negative, and some are in between. Here's how to handle reviewers and reviews of all kinds.

  • The positive correlation between ABM and sales outcomes is impossible to ignore, but many B2B marketers still struggle with ABM execution and measurement. There's no silver bullet to demystify ABM, but these tips provide clarity and actionable advice to unlock ROI.

  • Thinking of a customer experience in digital-only terms is limiting. For brands to stand out and truly capture (and keep) customer attention, they must incorporate physical elements and appeal to all of a customer's senses. Here are three ways you can do exactly that.

  • If you own an e-commerce storefront or work for a company that sells online, you're familiar with a frustrating fact: Shopping cart abandonment. Here are the leading reasons for cart abandonment—along with strategies for overcoming those obstacles to purchase.

  • Compared with "tradigital" forms of marketing, such as email, messaging apps tend to enjoy far greater open rates. And because customers have growing levels of email fatigue, it makes even more sense to use messaging apps to reach your customers.

  • Email marketing doesn't work well if you don't understand your audience, their needs, their wants. Take these steps to learn more about your audience so that you can then segment them and improve your email workflow—and conversions.

  • In three weeks, on January 1, 2020, the California Consumer Protection Act (CCPA), goes into effect. As a result, for the first time, US businesses will be subject to a far stricter set of privacy regulations in-country.

  • Revenue operations is a hot trend in B2B marketing. But what is it, why has it continued to gain traction, and—most important—how can marketers benefit from it? Here are answers, including three reasons why marketers should embrace revenue operations.

  • "Chief revenue officer," "vice-president of revenue operations," "director of revenue ops..." Within the past couple of years, the number of management titles containing "revenue" has shot up on LinkedIn. What's going on?

  • New digital experiences continue to disrupt customer journeys, leading marketers to rethink the traditional funnel. A new customer journey has taken shape, creating more meaningful touchpoints and potentially leading to increased revenue.