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  • In a world full of "READ THIS!" "BUY NOW!" and "CLICK HERE!" sometimes the only action customers want to take is to click away. And we marketers shouldn't blame them. So, what do we do? How else can we inspire action?

  • Infographics, a type of long-form visual content, are often created by marketers primarily to boost engagement on social media and drive traffic to websites. But infographics can work great for lead generation, too.

  • Home is where purchase decisions are made, finds a study of how direct mail influences consumer purchase decisions and whether those decisions involve various members of the household. Check out the findings.

  • Automated push notification is an optimal channel in the post-GDPR era, allowing e-commerce brands to push communications to target users efficiently, effectively, and easily. Now's the time to act—because late adopters will fall behind.

  • One of the most frustrating moments of the sales process is the "no-show"—when a prospective customer fails to show up for a meeting or isn't available to take a scheduled sales call. But that doesn't mean your prospect is not interested in buying from you! In fact, no-shows are a hidden source of future business opportunity.

  • If you consider chatbots just another marketing fad or buzzword that doesn't impact revenue, we have some bad news for you. Chatbots are already an integral part of modern customer experience—and they are having a serious impact on conversions.

  • B2B companies know how to talk-up their products or services, emphasizing how efficient and cost-effective they are. But customers don't want marketing spiel: They want balanced and unbiased information and insight from people they can relate to. You can make sure that's what they get.

  • Want to create a lip-smacking lead magnet that prospects will come from far and wide to sample? You'll need the right mix to do it, including these 3 essential ingredients.

  • Only 8% of companies say their marketing and sales teams are aligned. The source of the fracture in the relationship? The ubiquitous, but flawed, Marketing-qualified lead (MQL). Here's what you, as a marketer, can do about that.

  • How many times should salespeople contact prospects? How long should outreach last? What is the optimal spacing between contact attempts? How quickly should sales reps respond to prospects?

  • 2019 is here. Are you ready to get serious about (and get serious results from) your Account-Based Marketing strategy? Getting super granular with specific KPIs may feel like splitting hairs, but precision is key. Sponsored by Demandbase.

  • There are critical differences between leads generated from a search query vs. leads generated from referrals and other sources. Common sales approaches can hurt your chances with search-generated leads. You need a customized approach to convert them instead.

  • If you gather information to gain a strong understanding of your competitive landscape and market environment, you can improve your strategy across every area of marketing. Let's take a look at how to gather intel in three areas to help you stand out against your competition and win.

  • B2B customers are demanding education and advice as part of the sales experience. They see through the bright and shiny marketing speak. They want proof. Real thought leadership is that proof. Take these four steps to identify your company's most powerful thought leaders and their perspectives.

  • With a new year of tradeshows upon us, all eyes turn to ROI. Are you ready to get the maximum value—and leads—out of your live events? Sponsored by Cvent.

  • A lot of marketing directors are constantly tweaking their messaging—because it just isn't doing what they want it to do. And it's not easy to fix... with so many moving parts. But here are five of the most common issues that show up in marketing messaging of all kinds. Let's straighten them out, shall we?

  • Many B2B organizations simply create more content and increase the number of campaigns in hopes that something will work, only to find that simply doing more does not successfully deliver a good buying experience. So what can you do, then, to improve demand gen results?

  • Demand generation is too often a game of testing and tweaking for a measly 5-10% increase in response and conversion rates. But hold up—do you know what channel routinely gets a 98% open rate and a 50%+ engagement rate? That's right, it's the humble SMS text message. Sponsored by Hustle.

  • Testimonial videos are ideal for the decision stage of the buyer's journey, when prospects are aware of and want to solve a problem, and they are looking for information to help them make up their minds. Help them choose you.

  • Each of these handful of tactics you can use in conjunction with your social media efforts can boost your lead counts. There is no one-size-fits-all solution, however; you'll need to experiment to find which work best for you. Check out these potentially winning lead-gen tactics.