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  • Experiential marketing doesn't have to rely on physical interaction. B2B companies can learn from their B2C counterparts by hosting virtual events that offer an interactive way for people to "leave" the house. To that end, focus on these three tactics.

  • The generic "customer" doesn't exist: To reach buyers, marketers must view their customers as real people with personalities, drives, and interests. Especially in a Covid-altered world, the best way to visualize those customers and their needs is to create buyer personas.

  • Branding and direct response marketing must work together. Marketers should therefore understand the key differences between the two so that they can employ the right blend of tactics when executing their overall marketing strategy. Here are five differences to keep in mind.

  • Marketing and sales teams are only as good as their customer data. If your team is like most, there is room for improvement in your ability to score and route leads—and attribute success. That's why you need a data management strategy. Sponsored by ZoomInfo.

  • Ty Heath of LinkedIn's B2B Institute shares new research about the changing behaviors and attitudes of the new B2B decision-makers.

  • Running a B2B blog is a lot of work, but the rewards can be abundant if you build yourself a faithful audience. To establish yourself as an authority in your industry and gain your readers' trust, follow these five tips.

  • Potential buyers tend to consider peer review sites as more objective and more helpful than vendor sites. A paid subscription to the right peer review site can provide insights into your buyers' preferences and intent, as well as generate new business. Learn more.

  • How are marketers keeping their events relevant and engaging in the mostly virtual world of the COVID pandemic? Three major trends are emerging—and here's how to take advantage of them successfully.

  • Marketers say revenue attribution enables better decision-making and helps to align teams, according to recent research from Ascend2.

  • The idea of cold-calling prospects has put a chill in the heart of many a B2B salesperson. But you can become a better, more-effective cold-caller.

  • It's time to check your mailbox, not your inbox. The pandemic has upended traditional marketing—and, with it, the usual marketing channels. Here's how to find and use your prospects' home addresses to stick out from the competition with direct mail.

  • Technology has made account-based marketing more feasible than ever, but you can't get by on tech alone. Here's how to combine the emotional side of brand-building with the personalization of demand gen to create marketing messages that will truly resonate.

  • Successful demand generation relies on effective content and reliable data—but marketing content can stagnate, and data can be intimidating. Here's how to use both to build a demand gen foundation that can withstand even the most tumultuous times.

  • LinkedIn is more popular than ever with businesspeople and sales reps, but you can't just use a copy-and-paste method to pitch to your new connections. There is value in being genuine. Here are four ways to rise above generic LinkedIn messaging.

  • Inbound and outbound marketing can both be valuable strategies for generating leads and driving sales.

  • In 2020, the limitations on travel and face-to-face meetings have brought about the switch to virtual-only selling. Nevertheless, the fundamentals of needs discovery remain, even if in some ways it has become more difficult. But the shift to virtual has given organized sellers an even greater advantage.

  • With inaccurate, incomplete, or unenriched data, the campaigns you're running are akin to throwing darts—while blindfolded—in a crowded room. You might hit something, but likely not the growth target you were aiming for. In a digital era, here's what data hygiene can do for you.

  • Sales enablement is more relevant than ever in a remote-first world. Learn how product marketing earns a seat at the table to help drive measurement around sales readiness. This presentation by Shyna Zhang was recorded live at #mpb2b 2020 and is available exclusively to PRO subscribers.

  • Don't let all your hard work building awareness, generating demand, and nurturing prospects go to naught. Your sales team needs your help moving those prospects further down the funnel. You can start by using your existing marketing materials. This presentation by Pam Didner was recorded live at #mpb2b 2020 and is available exclusively to PRO subscribers.

  • To address modern buyers' needs and concerns—and keep target accounts moving down the sales funnel—organizations have been adopting account-based marketing (ABM) approaches. But getting and keeping buyers' attention is harder than ever. Start with understanding their intent and communicating in context. Sponsored by RollWorks.