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  • It's clear by now that the pandemic has changed interactions between businesses and customers. So what do customers expect from digital outreach and post-pandemic marketing? Here's a good place to start: customer service best-practices.

  • Personalization and ABM are now the name of the game in B2B marketing,. But the secret to their success lies in collecting—and using—voice-of-the-customer data. Find out more.

  • In times of crisis, people still prefer phone calls for customer service interactions, according to research from CGS.

  • The expectations of today's B2B have changed; they now seek out on-demand content to research solutions on their own before contacting your company. That's why video is the perfect content format to reach those buyers. Here's how.

  • As the post-pandemic marketplace takes shape, marketers need to focus on what creates a memorable experience—and that doesn't always mean digital-only. Hybrid events allow for increased engagement and innovations. We can reimagine the B2B customer experience.

  • Every business suffers from a certain degree of customer churn, but if you use the right tactics to retain customers, you can reduce churn. Start by creating an effective customer retention plan.

  • Engagement is a significant problem for marketers and planners who organize virtual events. What makes your attendees tick? How can you improve engagement? By surveying attendees. Here's the when and how, including sample survey questions.

  • Communication between and within company departments is just as important to the customer experience as external communication is. You can improve that communication and build synergy by examining and improving your Marketing Service Chain. Here's how.

  • In a world that depends on digital engagement, it's not enough to have a great product or service. Businesses must also build long-term relationships with their customers. Here are three ways to do that.

  • Product data may not be flashy or entertaining like some other aspects of marketing, but its accuracy is vital in building brand trust. Check out the insights in this article.

  • Diversity and inclusion are no longer nice-to-haves, they're must-haves for any successful enterprise. How can you ensure that your marketing is inclusive, equitable, and diverse? Join us for this insightful roundtable discussion on product inclusion, supplier diversity, and multi-cultural marketing.

  • Video is becoming the go-to content medium for brands because it can convey empathy and emotion. Here's how to use video marketing to enhance customer experience.

  • Virtual events are here for the long term. But it's become clear that engagement of virtual attendees isn't the same as engagement of in-person attendees. Here are 18 ways to improve your virtual event engagement.

  • It would take more than an hour for a person to read the legal fine print for popular online platforms such as Google, Facebook, and PayPal, according to recent research from Reboot Online Marketing.

  • Caroline Jerome of brand and marketing firm TBGA talks about the importance of data visualization—from the boardroom to the email inbox. She shows us why sharing data in visually pleasing and informative ways can have a huge impact on your audience.

  • Getting your marketing and sales teams on the same page—aligning them around a common revenue goal—can have a huge payoff.

  • Brands can no longer treat product data and marketing content in isolation. Accurate, comprehensive product data is critical to building trust via emotive, interactive content. In turn, that partnership of product data and content is essential to driving sales.

  • As a marketer today, you've always got to be listening and engaging with a myriad of customers and prospects on an ever-growing number of channels and platforms. But you also need sleep. So how can you do it all? The answer is mass 1-to-1 marketing. Sponsored by Sprinklr.

  • Traditional marketing operates by interrupting people. It's time we moved to permission marketing for more respect and better timing. But how do we know who wants to hear from us? Find out in this article.

  • The demise of third-party cookies has now been delayed for two years. But that doesn't mean marketers need to remain unprepared for similar tectonic changes, including iOS14. Let's look at what has already changed, and how you can tackle upcoming events.