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  • SESSION 1 of 4: B2B Buyer Personas are key to your successful content marketing strategy. Creating useful Buyer Personas starts with effective research. Discover how to research your target audience to both "know" your potential customers and understand their needs.

  • Today's B2B buyers mostly want to be left alone to make their own decisions during their customer journey. Providing them with interactive content and product demos enables them to do just that.

  • You believe in your product. Now if only your customer would get on board! Join B2B marketer, author, and speaker Nancy Harhut for this live encore of her fall 2022 MarketingProfs B2B Forum presentation. Learn how to obliterate objections and get that deal closed.

  • When as a marketer you identify and focus on benefits, you ensure that you are focusing your attention on what customers are really buying; as a result, you don't waste money and energy in your marketing efforts.

  • Perceptual maps are the only way to understand what your position is in the market and how the market views you vs. your competitors. In fact, if you don't have a perceptual map, you're flying blind.

  • To be successful, marketers need to be able to quickly create feedback loops and act on customer insights—no easy task in an uncertain market. In this webinar, you'll learn how to listen to and better serve your customers—while boosting acquisition and retention. Sponsored by Momentive.

  • As the tide of technology moves closer to virtual reality, what can brands to do prepare? Advertising could look very different in a VR world. This article explores the possibilities.

  • Learn how to create, measure, and optimize a holistic marketing automation strategy that leads to more conversions and sales. Sponsored by ActiveCampaign.

  • We all know about the "Great Resignation," but survey results have uncovered a "Great Customer Resignation" as well. Churn is at an all-time high. Luckily, implementing data and good tech can mitigate the problem.

  • This article explores how to nurture potential B2B clients through the awareness journey, from Marketing-qualified lead to Sales-qualified lead, using the Awareness Cascade.

  • This article explores why it's important to build campaigns that elicit the behaviors you wish to see your leads displaying, and how to do that effectively—through marketing automation.

  • Are your buyers getting stuck in the middle of your sales funnel? It's time to take a plunger to your process to unclog your conversion strategy. Join us to learn how to find the source of the problem, unclog it, and boost conversions. Sponsored by Act-On.

  • It takes continual, meticulous post-purchase engagement to turn a one-time customer into a brand evangelist. That engagement usually begins with an email conversation.

  • In B2B relationships, all voices are important, but not equal or the same—and treating them as such can cost your company retention and loyalty.

  • "It's not Sales' job to nurture..." Join demand gen expert and bestselling author Kenda Macdonald as she unpacks this controversial statement. Nurturing doesn't stop once a lead becomes an MQL. Learn Marketing's role in nurturing beyond MQLs and making sales processes more effective.

  • Marketing has the power to not only drive demand gen but also ensure the sales team has relevant, contextualized conversations with qualified leads. Learn what contextualized conversations are, why they work so well to convert leads, and how marketing automation can help you help Sales.

  • Providing a great customer experience is essential to reducing churn and driving repeat sales. So, how can you ensure you're delivering an experience that meets—or even exceeds—expectations?

  • Although it's impossible to give an absolute value to abstract concepts such as loyalty, there are metrics that can indicate customers' willingness to return to your company. Here's what to track.

  • Your company may have its messaging content and tone perfected, but that counts for nothing if you're messaging customers at 3 in the morning on weekends. Go through the steps in this article to achieve total personalization of the customer experience.

  • In this episode of the Marketing Smarts podcast, author Pam Didner sheds light on the problems marketers face pertaining to the creation and usage of a customer journey. She also gives us her thoughts on how that impacts the organization—especially sales teams.