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  • Christian Selchau-Hansen, CEO and co-founder at, talks about smoking meat, brand loyalty, the price of brisket in Ireland, customer experience, data collection, and much more! Tune in and learn how to build a loyal following through a four-step process.

  • The quality of its customer experience can make or break a B2B company. To make sure your customers' experiences keeps them coming back for your products or services, follow these five steps.

  • Jason Dorsey, co-author of the new book Zconomy: How Gen Z Will Change the Future of Business—and What to Do About It, joins Marketing Smarts to talk about what Gen Z wants from a brand, how to earn their brand loyalty, and how to stoke engagement among this valuable group.

  • In the fleeting digital world, empathy toward your customers is an invaluable asset. But companies that fail to let their audience peek into their own human side also fail to build trustful and lasting customer relationships. Doubly so in B2B. Here's how you can solve that problem.

  • Content marketing has matured to a point where you need at least some automation. But if you aren't careful, you'll turn people off: Your loyalists will notice if your content is lower quality or less tailored. To maintain customer trust while streamlining your workload, use these three tips.

  • As marketers consider their options for providing digital event opportunities, one question is top of mind: How do you create an engaging attendee experience? The key is to make real connections in a virtual way. These three tips will help.

  • Explore how strategic gifting can be leveraged at every stage of the sales funnel to capture attention and express appreciation.

  • Lead gen is responsible for one of your company's most valuable assets—customers. But establishing an effective lead generation process is no small feat. To create a process that yields high ROI demands contribution and investment from the leadership team. Here's how, exactly.

  • Storytelling is one of the most effective ways to build a connection with your audience. But how can marketers build narratives that resonate with customers on an emotional level? Here's what brand storytelling involves, why using empathy to drive narratives is important, and how to do it.

  • As marketers, we know that effective marketing puts the customer first. But how do we do that? How can we harness our most human of superpowers to deliver real value both to the customer and to the business? Start using empathy in marketing.

  • The B2B customer journey is undergoing rapid transformation—accelerated by the ongoing pandemic. To reach today's—and tomorrow's—self-directed buyers, marketers must personalize. But, soon, even that won't be enough. You need to prepare for that already-near future.

  • The pandemic has disrupted business (and life), and everyone is scrambling to adapt. Instead of enticing buyers with a promise of "better" as you likely did before COVID-19, you now need to do more: You need to make your sales offers far more valuable than ever.

  • COVID-19 pandemic-related shutdowns have affected a host of industries and sectors in various ways. Part of the fallout has been the change in Web-use behavior, as well, along with digital marketing initiatives by major search and social media platforms. This infographic offers an overview.

  • The needs and wants of customers have shifted dramatically in the past two months, and companies that continue to move forward without adjusting will struggle for some time to come. Here are four ways B2B companies can provide helpful, impactful, and timely customer experiences during the pandemic.

  • To turn your first encounter with potential clients into an effective account-based marketing (ABM) relationship, you must engage your audience, establish credibility, and ask them for an easy "yes." Here's what you need to know.

  • With the Coronavirus pandemic wreaking havoc on businesses around the world, companies may be unsure of what role their customer advisory board (CAB) might play during the crisis. But now is an ideal time for your CAB to take a proactive, leadership role during the current crisis.

  • Upselling makes sense when business is booming, but how about in times of economic uncertainty—like now? Companies that can strategically and compassionately navigate business development conversations in these times will be the ones that emerge intact and in good standing.

  • The instability created by the pandemic makes it tricky to simultaneously navigate brands' most pressing and longer-term needs. But one thing is clear: It's more important than ever for Marketing to stay agile, relevant, and ready to adapt—if necessary again and again. Here are a few emerging best-practices.

  • It's been nearly 40 days and 40 nights since the US got serious about acknowledging and responding to COVID-19. Like everyone else, marketers have been overwhelmed. The floodwaters surrounding us may be muddy now, but as the currents calm the sediment will settle. Then what?

  • Our CX efforts are not selfless: We provide a positive customer experience because it drives repeat purchases and long-term loyalty. But what happens when there is a once-in-a-century pandemic? CX can't be about maximizing lifetime value.Yes, it's time to get real about customer centricity.