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  • If marketing is essentially about persuasion, then the use of highly effective persuasive techniques can take a campaign goal to the next level—whether that's attracting more traffic, earning more conversions, or sparking more customer engagement.

  • Story expert Ron Ploof explains how brands (B2B and B2C alike) can create more effective marketing pieces by applying the fundamentals of storytelling to their content marketing.

  • Yeah, you could totally wing it blog post by blog post, tweet by tweet. But if you truly want to build brand awareness and create meaningful relationships with your readers, followers, and customers, planning is a must.

  • It's no secret that SEO has been changing—fast. Once, it was all about title tags, keywords, and backlinks. Today, SEO needs to take into consideration so much more.

  • Content marketing is a high priority for many organizations, but most are struggling with the strategies, processes, and technologies that can help them succeed.

  • To better relate your product or service to consumers, present them in a way that identifies with those of a particular culture. Multilingual marketing is a way to do that.

  • These four content creation hacks belong in every marketer's toolbox. These tips and tricks epitomize the scrappy mindset we need to do more with less, and help us bring that mindset to life in our content marketing.

  • B2B marketers are overwhelmed by content marketing, with their top challenges relating to production. No wonder: a marketing department isn't the same thing as a content production team.

  • Bad news: People don't read your online content marketing these days; they merely scan most Web content. But with these tips you can write scannable, easy-to-understand text that will boost engagement.

  • A major pain point for marketers: generating quality content on a consistent basis. If you can't maintain velocity with your content creation, you can kiss goodbye to goals such as "owning" valuable search terms on Google.

  • Video is fast becoming the content medium of choice for US consumers, especially younger ones. And even though you might already be producing videos, you may not be getting the maximum ROI if you're not optimizing them for search on both Google and YouTube.

  • Storytelling is at the core of what drives great marketing today. You can amp up your marketing campaigns by following these five easy tips that create powerful stories.

  • In today's hectic business environment, your competitors may be more focused on creating content rather than creating valuable, shareable content. These tips can help you produce awesome content that blows away the competition.

  • Left unsupervised, your online forms can cause a lot of trouble for your conversions. However, optimize your forms for performance and they'll become your website's greatest money-making asset. The choice is yours.

  • Blogging is an important part of digital marketing. Yet, many choose not to blog because they think they don't have the necessary writing skills. These tips will go a long way toward helping you write engaging content.

  • Most CMOs view content as the future of marketing. But the job doesn't end with simply producing content... Making sure it performs is critical to driving engagement and reaching target audiences.

  • If you want a highly engaged community of customers, build an email list of people who are ready to listen to your messages and willing to buy from you. Here are four ways to build such a list.

  • Facebook's scale and evolving video publishing platform make it a compelling video marketing option. To succeed in a digital age, marketers need to keep up with the platform's video advertising options.

  • A book is the ultimate business card... but only if you do it right. Unfortunately, many entrepreneurs (and others) don't, especially because they don't account for editing.

  • We've all been there, sitting in front of a boring long presentation filled with charts and small text you can't even read. Now that it's your turn to present, don't make the same mistakes you see all too often.