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  • Whether it's a global pandemic or a data breach, a crisis of any kind can negatively impact your company's operations and reputation. So, what can marketers say and do to keep customers informed and satisfied until the crisis is over? Here's useful advice.

  • Four American tech companies have the world's most valuable brands this year, according to recent research from BrandZ.

  • B2B marketers say the biggest challenge they face in trying to amplify their brand is not having a clear strategy, according to recent research from ON24 and NetLine.

  • Are your brand guidelines working for your team and company? Is the content being shared internally and externally consistent and aligned, no matter which team it's coming from and in what format? If not, it's time to start making some important changes.

  • Storytelling is one of the most effective ways to build a connection with your audience. But how can marketers build narratives that resonate with customers on an emotional level? Here's what brand storytelling involves, why using empathy to drive narratives is important, and how to do it.

  • Get secrets for building an addictive brand from award-winning entrepreneur Johnny Earle, founder of world-renowned clothing brand Johnny Cupcakes.

  • The definition of "employee advocacy" is straightforward: the promotion of an organization by its staff members. It's a low-cost, high-return way to increase brand awareness, drive engagement and attract talent. But can you show how that impact is related to business goals?

  • Content strategy expert and author Ahava Leibtag shares advice on distinguishing your message by refining your B2B brand's voice and tone and by using plain language in your content.

  • Instagram is not a platform that businesses can afford to ignore—but it can be challenging for businesses that don't have "Instagrammable" products or services to share. Especially if yours is a B2B brand. But Instagram is worth your time and investment.

  • "Unapologetic marketing truthteller" and on-demand communications specialist Katie Martell talks about the power of cause-aligned marketing as opposed to "pandering," and explains how to avoid the latter.

  • Although creatives know that their work creates tangible results for businesses, their work has often been undervalued by their more business-minded colleagues. Yet businesses are increasingly recognizing the value of creativity for achieving business objectives.

  • Fully 94% of marketers say the COVID-19 pandemic has had an impact on their brand marketing and content marketing strategies, according to recent research from Bynder.

  • Visual design is having a moment of prominence—and perhaps reckoning. Many companies no longer treat design like frosting for their messaging; often, the design is the message. But can marketers stand up for artistic design while still getting the ROI the C-suite execs expect?

  • We are living in a time of great disruption. Disruption in the market breaks paradigms. It creates as much opportunity as loss. It is easier for our minds to envision the downside of our losses than to see new opportunities. Though harder to spot, the opportunities are there.

  • The concept of "brand elasticity" refers to how sensitive customer preference is for a certain brand when it stretches beyond its positioning or expands into new categories. It's important to understand so you don't stretch a brand to its breaking point.

  • How do you sign off your marketing emails in a way that fits your brand—but still shows you're aware of what's going on during a tough time for your customers? Here's a chart with 30+ options, listed from best to worst, with brand-voice options both cheeky and formal.

  • Kelly Hungerford of oral care brand Sunstar Global opens up about how she brought the company's European marketing organization into the digital era.

  • You need to know what's being said online about you, your brand, your competition, your industry, and other topics you're interested in. At first, Google Alerts might seem the most obvious choice, but it's notoriously unreliable.You have options, though, including these 4 alternatives.

  • Garrett Mehrguth, founder of Directive Consulting, explains why it's nearly impossible to rank for organic search terms, and shares tips on positioning your B2B brand for search.

  • Business ethics and social responsibility are a top consideration of customers and employees alike in the age of growing socioeconomic inequality, climate change, and environmental concerns. Being ethical and socially responsible is simply good business.