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  • People have access to more apps, platforms, and software than ever, thanks to the consumerization of information technology. The key is finding the right tools for the right team. Take this quiz to see what type of worker you are and which apps you need in your work.

  • Craig Jelinek of Costco is the most-liked CEO of a major US public corporation, and Richard Edelman of Edelman is the most-liked CEO of a US marketing agency, according to recent research from Owler.

  • Marketers look most closely at measurability and pricing when deciding which platforms to run pre-roll video ad campaigns on, according to recent research from Trusted Media Brands.

  • It's jarring to realize you've been designing customer experience all wrong because you've prioritized scale over end-user satisfaction... But how do you set things straight? Change is notoriously difficult, but it is possible; these three steps will set you well on your way.

  • Artificial intelligence (AI) is the sexiest conversation in email marketing, but few marketers are ready for it. Here's what the buzz doesn't tell you, and what you can do now to prepare for an AI-empowered future.

  • Is dirty data preventing you from seeing who your customers really are? This infographic illustrates how incorrect customer data could be costing your company and what you can do to fix the problem.

  • Alphabet (Google's parent company) and Amazon are the large companies LinkedIn members in the United States most want to work for, according to recent research from the social network.

  • Does your Google AdWords strategy seem to be stagnating? Check out this infographic for 11 key steps to make sure you're using AdWords to its fullest potential.

  • Local business websites shouldn't always follow the same practices as those of bigger, international retailers. Check out this diagram for a visual guide to the do's and don'ts of your local website.

  • Small business owners are optimistic about their current business situation as well as the outlook for the next 12 months, according to recent research from Gallup and Wells Fargo.

  • Machine-learning (ML) startups are flourishing, and companies are predicating their value proposition on artificial intelligence (AI). That's because both ML and AI will likely have immense impact on profitability—and transform marketing.

  • Adding videos to your website can be an effective way to increase e-commerce sales. Check out this infographic to see how brands are using product videos to increase revenue.

  • Are marketers pleased with the level of personalization in their own marketing efforts—and in the email, Web, and mobile channels they use? What grades do they give themselves?

  • Coca-Cola has decided to eliminate the position of CMO; instead, Coke has created a chief growth officer role, in charge of both its customer and its commercial teams. Here's what marketers can learn from the shakeup.

  • A good content workflow makes your publishing process a lot more effective. Here's how you can organize the work of your content team and simplify the production and distribution of marketing content.

  • More than three-quarters (76%) of marketing executives say their company offers some form of alternative work arrangement, according to a recent report from The Creative Group.

  • Digital marketing experts Seth Price and Barry Feldman discuss how to balance your employees' personal brands with the corporate brand, and they share insights from their personal-branding book, The Road to Recognition: The A-to-Z Guide to Personal Branding for Accelerating Your Professional Success in The Age of Digital Media.

  • The proportion of clicks on Google AdWords units that originated from mobile phones increased significantly in the first quarter of 2017 (1Q17) compared with the first quarter of 2016, according to recent research from iProspect.

  • Is a chief growth officer right for your company? Check out this infographic to see how companies of all sizes are handling this role, and learn more about what a CGO focuses on.

  • Most consumers say they expect a pre-roll ad to play under 15 seconds on a video that's up to one-minute long, according to recent research from AOL Advertising.