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  • B2B sales leaders say they could win more deals if their marketing teams delivered better messaging and more qualified leads, according to recent research from Televerde.

  • Finding the right partner to help you create an explainer video can make all the difference. Today's infographic breaks down what to look for in a production company, how you can expect to allocate resources, and which factors cause prices to vary.

  • Between coming up with new concepts, tracking ongoing projects, and managing team members who are often spread out, creative teams—and their leads—have a lot going on. Today's infographic reminds you that you're not alone and offers guidance for how to set up a creative team for success.

  • Senior marketers say the most important quality/ability of a successful CMO is to be the voice of the customer at the leadership table, according to recent research from The CMO Survey.

  • Gaining greater independence is the top reason people say they would start a small business, according to recent research from Paychex.

  • Orthopedic surgeon is the highest-paying job title in the United States, and computer science is the highest-paying field of study, according to recent research from LinkedIn.

  • So much more goes into an email campaign than simply hitting the "send" button. Here are the numerous aspects of your entire email strategy to consider—from personalization and lead generation to cleaning up an old list.

  • Most B2B marketers are already using or plan to use some form of marketing automation technology, according to recent research from Act-On and Econsultancy.

  • When it's time to outsource copywriting or content writing to bolster your marketing, you need to be clear on one thing: Should you hire a copywriter or a content writer? We'll explain all the differences (and similarities!) so you can hire the writer that's right for your project.

  • SaaS companies can ensure nurturing and upsell campaigns are consistently successful across the entire buyer's journey, from initial contact through the trial/freemium phase to after commitment. Here's how.

  • It wasn't always obvious that marketing operations would become such a central part of B2B marketing. But it has, and it's now the core engine making Marketing smarter, faster, and more cohesive.

  • The power of marketing automation is very real, and very real companies are using automation to grow and thrive. And while the process of selecting a vendor, implementing the technology, and training your team to use it can be daunting, the potential benefits make it a worthy investment.

  • Twitter offers a lot of options for targeting your ads. This infographic breaks them down into an easy-to-follow guide to ensure your ad dollars are being spent on the right audience.

  • Consumers say the customer service issues most likely to make them stop doing business with a company are uninformed agents and long wait times, according to recent research from The Northridge Group.

  • Most B2B marketers take at least four days to follow up with leads after in-person events, according to recent research from Certain.

  • Customers often turn to social channels with customer service requests, and that presents a challenge for brands that manage social within Marketing. Check out today's infographic to see why customer care via social may be better owned by Customer Service.

  • You did it. You built a solid hub of corporate content. But now what? You've got a well-planned content machine, but is it sustainable? Here's what happens when a good blog goes bad, and gets killed before it has a fighting chance to thrive.

  • How clean is your lead data? If it's been sitting around for even a short while, much of it could be outdated and decayed. Check out today's infographic to see how dirty lead data could be hurting your bottom line and what to do about it.

  • How much of an impact do reviews and ratings have on online sales? Does the number of reviews and ratings matter? Are reviews and ratings more important for higher-priced products/services?

  • Yawwwwwn. Is your lack of sleep costing you productivity—and costing your company money? Learn why sleep is crucial to performing your best, and see what you can do to get more of it.