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  • Most marketing and advertising executives in the United States expect their firms to maintain their current staffing levels for creative (non-technical) jobs in the first half of 2018, according to recent research from The Creative Group.

  • Marketers can no longer afford to view technology as a "nice to have." In 2018 and beyond, our performance will rely in great part on our martech stacks. Those without an adoption strategy will find themselves unable to keep up with competitors who use technology more effectively.

  • Some 38% of consumers who own an in-home AI-based assistant say they would consider using their device to holiday-shop, according to recent research from SAP Hybris.

  • Ad tech trends seldom mature overnight, but as the industry figures out how it can improve user experience as well as increase revenue, 2018 will be a rough ride for most.

  • By working in lockstep with data scientists, marketers can better understand who their targets are, what they desire, and what their challenges, behaviors, and motivations are. Marketers can then devise more effective campaigns to influence consumers.

  • What are the most popular corporate gifts to give? If you're with an agency or you've got clients, check out this infographic to see how your gifts stack up.

  • A customer-oriented mindset is vital for marketing success, helping campaigns resonate with prospects and leading to more sales and greater customer satisfaction. So how can busy marketers implement a customer-oriented mindset?

  • By testing various creative treatments, prioritizing the role creative plays in ads, and choosing the right tools for ad creation, marketers can do more of what they do best: offer creative solutions to their customers and prospects.

  • If you forgot to tend to your technical SEO while you were busy surviving all the recent Google algorithm updates, who can blame you? But now is the time to shore up your technical SEO fundamentals in preparation for 2018.

  • With the year quickly coming to a close, many companies are looking to ramp up their sales efforts to hit or exceed their projected numbers for the year. These six platforms can help B2B sales departments close out the year strong.

  • It's that time of year when marketers are figuring out how to allocate their resources. Here are some important things to keep in mind as you build your marketing budget for the upcoming financial year or quarter.

  • Keyword research is vital for success, because it's all about determining user intent. And without user intent, there is nothing guiding the content we create, the backlinks we aim to earn, and the on-page content we optimize.

  • Ready to get more done at work? Check out this infographic with tips on how to be more productive.

  • Wish there were 25 hours in a day? That would be nice, but a more practical solution to finding more time may come in learning how to manage the hours you've got. Today's infographic offers 15 tips to help you do exactly that.

  • What makes a team effective at Google? Which qualities set successful groups apart from other groups in the company? See what Google discovered about its best teams.

  • AI, ML, and ABM are all initialisms we hear a lot these days, but how do the technologies they refer to work together to make your marketing efforts more efficient? Today's animated infographic explains it all.

  • Consumers say consistently good customer service is the top factor that makes them loyal to brands, according to recent research from The Blackhawk Network.

  • Do advertisers promote gender stereotypes—and should they? Choozle surveyed 500 consumers to see what they think about gender stereotyping in ads. One finding: over one-third of respondents like it when ads break gender stereotypes.

  • Although you can pay to promote your brand's Instagram's posts, it is also possible to grow an Instagram account organically. These tips offer ideas for how to keep followers engaged for free.

  • Despite the annoyance, budget planning is an absolute necessity. Without it, you can't proceed or succeed. When planning for 2018, here's how to avoid and correct the top 4 mistakes almost all marketers make.