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  • If you own an e-commerce storefront or work for a company that sells online, you're familiar with a frustrating fact: Shopping cart abandonment. Here are the leading reasons for cart abandonment—along with strategies for overcoming those obstacles to purchase.

  • Scott Stratten, co-owner of UnMarketing and co-author of The Jackass Whisperer, shares tips for addressing bad behavior at work, at home, and online.

  • In three weeks, on January 1, 2020, the California Consumer Protection Act (CCPA), goes into effect. As a result, for the first time, US businesses will be subject to a far stricter set of privacy regulations in-country.

  • Consumers expect a brand in crisis to respond quickly, accept responsibility, and communicate from the top, according to recent research from Crisp Thinking.

  • Revenue operations is a hot trend in B2B marketing. But what is it, why has it continued to gain traction, and—most important—how can marketers benefit from it? Here are answers, including three reasons why marketers should embrace revenue operations.

  • "Chief revenue officer," "vice-president of revenue operations," "director of revenue ops..." Within the past couple of years, the number of management titles containing "revenue" has shot up on LinkedIn. What's going on?

  • Shopper behavior is fundamentally different during the holidays. Marketers can't rely on the same data and algorithms that they leverage at other times of the year. If brands don't adjust to holiday shopping behavior, it could cost them big.

  • Job applicants tend to overestimate the impact of knowing someone at the company during the hiring process, and they underestimate the impact of personality, according to recent research from Simply Hired.

  • Being a marketing leader in 2019 is more challenging than it was in 2018. In 2018, more challenging than in 2017... and 2016... and so on. Marketing gets faster, more frenetic and challenging every year—every month, week, and day. But there's much to be thankful for.

  • Much has been written recently about how consumers should be the "owners of their data." But can marketers perform customer analytics while respecting customers' wishes and following the law? Are we on a collision course, or is there a better way?

  • This infographic outlines and debunks persistent myths about mom-and-pop shops and offers seven actionable tips to help small businesses compete and thrive against big retailers.

  • Most brands spend more than two weeks producing a marketing email, according to recent research from Litmus.

  • Launching a new product can be a lot like throwing a dart at a map—while the map is in another room, the power is out, and you're fresh from the optometrist and your pupils are dilated... But you don't have to launch products—or even campaigns—with guesswork. Here's what to do instead.

  • Salespeople can be the true voice of the customer: Through daily conversations, they intimately understand what problems prospects are experiencing—right now. Here's how marketers can harness that knowledge for content marketing and PR.

  • Most workers say they spend less than half of their time at work doing their primary job responsibilities, according to recent research from Workfront.

  • Our workdays are in a permanent state of tug-of-war between deadlines and distractions, waged on a battlefield of meetings, projects, and campaigns—and planning, managing, and creating... Can we learn from how Bill Gates recharges and refocuses?

  • At some point, we all learned about the 4Ps of marketing: place, price, product, and promotion. Those still hold weight, but marketing has been undergoing drastic changes, and companies now face a host of new challenges. These new 4Ps of marketing are the way forward.

  • Most remote workers say they feel they're part of their teams just as much as in-office workers and also that they believe not being in an office makes them more productive, according to recent research from Wundamail.

  • Younger employees are more likely to oppose to companies regulating how they discuss politics on social media while at work, according to recent research from Clutch.

  • There is such a thing as too much content. And if you're creating marketing content for its own sake (i.e., without a clear business need), you've taken a wrong turn onto a dead-end path. Instead, take these four steps on the road to creating the right amount of the right type of content.