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  • "The show must go on," but until when, exactly? What do you do when a calamity or crisis turns your conference, training course, or event upside down? Do you continue, cancel, reschedule?

  • With technology advancing at breakneck speed, AI can improve our workday—and our workplace productivity, in general. From simplifying procedures to evaluating information, Artificial Intelligence can provide indispensable assistance to marketers and their companies.

  • Employee advocacy is a proven marketing strategy. But preparation ahead of implementation is key to ensuring advocacy programs' effectiveness—and success. Do these three things to prepare.

  • Most members of creative teams that develop content say they're struggling to keep up with the speed they are expected to work at and with the volume of work they're expected to tackle, according to recent research from inMotionNow.

  • Companies devote 24 hours to writing a request for proposal (RFP) and involve seven people in the process, on average, according to recent research from Loopio.

  • If you're considering rebuilding your in-house marketing team and reducing your reliance on outside agencies, these are your first steps on the path to gaining more control.

  • Business ethics and social responsibility are a top consideration of customers and employees alike in the age of growing socioeconomic inequality, climate change, and environmental concerns. Being ethical and socially responsible is simply good business.

  • Selecting a new website content management system (CMS) is often a significant challenge and investment. Too often, when the time has come for migration, enterprises fail to keep SEO in mind. The ramifications of that can be significant.

  • Most businesses are trying to develop an overarching strategy for their audience data, but few have managed to actually implement a strategy, according to recent research from Winterberry Group and the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB).

  • Trade publications are inundated with references to, and hype for, artificial intelligence. Everywhere you look, AI is being touted as the answer--even to some questions we aren't asking. Marketing is not immune to this push for AI. Quite the opposite, actually. But is it warranted?

  • How can you ensure that your team members—or, more generally, all those at your company, employees and execs alike—get to and stay in mentally and emotionally healthy place? And should that really be a business concern?

  • The CRM market seems saturated. But that's all about quantity. Quality is another story: Only 1 in 5 CRMs receive 4-5 star ratings. Those low satisfaction rates suggest startup CRMs can be an alternative. Especially since they have an inherent edge (several, in fact) over large CRMs.

  • Price wars create a seemingly unsolvable dilemma: Match the competitor's price and risk losing profits, or ignore the competitor's price and risk losing revenues. Yet, based on a vital but universally neglected business principle, there is a powerful solution to winning—and preventing—price wars.

  • How is your loyalty program doing these days? If it isn't thriving, the four issues outlined in this article could be at fault. They're among the most common problems afflicting loyalty programs today.

  • StoryLeader creator Chris Brogan explains how marketing leaders can use business storytelling to align their teams to execute better, faster.

  • A platform-heavy marketing tech stack—email solutions, social media tools, mobile marketing platforms, automation tools, and everything in between—creates a world of obstacles, including inevitable data disparities. Which will cost you.

  • You've heard the truism: Employees don't leave jobs or companies, they leave managers and bosses. Nearly two-thirds of employees have at one time or another left a job or plan to leave because of their manager or boss.

  • No one can predict what the future holds for the agency-client relationship. But you can bet your bottom dollar that Marketing is moving closer to being in the boardroom. How can agencies and clients ensure they're prepared for the shift?

  • Investing in your team's skills and know-how can help improve your company's performance and create an impressive talent pool for future openings in your organization. Encourage professional development to reap the benefits of having loyal, motivated, and skilled employees.

  • Marketing stars Christopher Penn, Chris Brogan, Goldie Chan, Carlos Hidalgo, Katie Martell, and MarketingProfs' own Nina Bell share mistakes and missed marketing opportunities and lessons those experiences taught them. MarketingProfs Chief Content Officer Ann Handley co-hosts this special 404th episode.