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  • Sales and marketing teams can often seem aligned—even when they aren't really. In fact, alignment levels have been decreasing. Take the three steps discussed in this article to ensure Sales and Marketing are communicating, collaborating, and working harmoniously.

  • The median starting salary for a corporate chief marketing officer in the United States is expected to be $165,000 in 2021, according to recent research from The Creative Group.

  • Some people think content operations isn't necessary—that everything will work fine without it. But it won't. Without content operations, there is content chaos. And you'll suffer huge opportunity costs. Here are 10 steps to avoid that chaos and those costs.

  • Most event planners and other industry professionals say they would not feel comfortable attending an indoor event right now—even at half capacity—because of COVID-19, according to recent research from the Event Leadership Institute.

  • B2B sellers have relied heavily on tradeshows, user conferences, and other in-person interactions to launch products and services, generate leads, and nurture relationships. But B2B marketers must now replicate the impact of in-person events online. These 12 tactics will ensure you succeed.

  • Asking the right questions at work is essential to learning information, building bonds with managers and colleagues, and getting noticed in important moments.

  • As people confront the "new normal" brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic, their top asks of their employers are to be given more support in navigating work-life balance and more flexibility with where they work from, according to recent research from Glint.

  • B2B firms that outperform the competition are more likely to focus on long-term marketing goals, test their marketing programs beyond digital channels, encourage marketers to take risks, and have distinctive brands, according to recent research.

  • Being an ally and doing your part to remove barriers to racial justice in your organization doesn't require an overnight sea change. Instead, as Lee Deas from Obviouslee Marketing points out, it's the result of a series of meaningful decisions.

  • Rumors that the CMO role is going the way of the dodo bird have been circulating for years. The devaluation of the role is partly the consequence of outdated notions of what CMOs do and misconceptions about the scope of the job. But the current crisis is proving the CMO role is vital.

  • Take a moment. Calm your thoughts. Form an image in your mind of what your career and your job as a B2B marketer can look like—how fulfilled you could be with your work. Is it all just wishful thinking? It doesn't have to be.

  • Lori Hall of Pop'N Creative talks about how to advance racial justice within your organization.

  • Overwhelmed, marketers have little time to learn what the customer really wants, let alone produce the content that really speaks to people on a deep level. The result is a content crisis. But it's possible to create and connect content to the customer journey and lifecycle. And to do it at scale.

  • Many CMOs at large companies are facing budget cuts because of the COVID-19 pandemic, but most expect the economic climate to return to business as usual in the next 18-24 months, according to recent research from Gartner.

  • The account-based marketing (ABM) approach, in which organizations focus on best-fit accounts (rather than individuals as standalone leads), requires close coordination between Marketing and Sales.

  • As more businesses increase their digital advertising efforts, fraudsters, scammers, and bots lie in wait. Some marketers are aware of the looming threats, but many aren't. The good news is that telltale signs of ad fraud can be spotted.

  • Cate Murden, expert in corporate wellbeing, mental health, and human performance, shares advice on how you can work brilliantly from home.

  • B2B buyers say the top challenges they face with their current vendors are slow/inefficient responses to questions, inconsistent pricing, and a lack of transparency into inventory, according to recent research from PROS.

  • Are your brand guidelines working for your team and company? Is the content being shared internally and externally consistent and aligned, no matter which team it's coming from and in what format? If not, it's time to start making some important changes.

  • The COVID-19 pandemic has forced many companies to shutter offices and ask their staffs to work from home. While this shift has been hugely disruptive, it may also benefit both businesses and employees in key ways.