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  • Veteran marketing communications strategist Meg Kypena identifies the skills every marketer needs and shares tips for change management and career development on the Marketing Smarts podcast.

  • LinkedIn recorded a 63% jump in the number of marketing jobs posted on the platform in the first half of 2021, according to research from the social network.

  • For a business to thrive on social media, its social media marketing efforts must be conversion-focused. Here are five ways to increase your social media conversion rate.

  • Keynote speaker, author, and storyteller Carla Johnson offers insights from her book "RE:Think Innovation: How the World's Most Prolific Innovators Come Up With Great Ideas That Deliver Extraordinary Outcomes."

  • Although marketing leaders have traditionally chosen a martech stack based on its features and functions, the number of new technologies being created necessitates a more nuanced approach. Here are five tips to help you choose well.

  • The relationship between Sales and Marketing at most B2B companies has often been dysfunctional, even though coordinating the efforts of the two departments can have a big impact on the company's bottom line.

  • How can you become an excellent mentor at work? This from Intuit Mint covers the basics of ensuring mentorship is effective for your mentees and yourself.

  • Content is a powerful way for marketers to get their unique voice across. And what better way to showcase your passion for content than to put its creation and dissemination in the hands of your employees?

  • Women are well represented in marketing in North America across all career levels, according to recent research from LinkedIn Marketing Solutions.

  • B2B marketers say creating effective content and collecting quality data are the two biggest challenges they face when trying to execute their lead generation strategies, according to recent research from Wpromote and Ascend2.

  • Some 46% of senior executives rated the performance of their marketing team as very good or exceptional in 2020, and 45% rated it as moderate, according to recent research from the CMO Council.

  • What is an agile content management system? What are its key components? And why is an Agile CMS essential for ensuring timely, seamless experiences across channels for B2B businesses? Find out in this article.

  • Marketers and consumers differ in what they believe makes a brand best-in-class on social media, according to recent research from Sprout Social.

  • Digital presence is the totality of how you're represented on the Web, from site landing pages and blog posts to social content and online reviews. So, how can you boost your digital presence?

  • Businesses that need marketing services are faced with the question of whether to hire in-house, outsource to an agency, or contract with freelancers. Here are the most important factors to consider when making your decision.

  • How can you boost productivity and set yourself up for success while working from home? Separating your work life and home life, firing up your energy levels, and maximizing your efficiency are key approaches.

  • Some 45% of salespeople say they've received less coaching than usual or no coaching since moving to remote work, according to recent research from ringDNA.

  • It's now a digital-first world, and that means the customers are expecting more out of their experience than ever. Thanks to technology, companies can offer positive customer experiences across digital channels. Build your CX on these three pillars.

  • The COVID-19 pandemic drove a 177% spike in remote job listings for marketing roles over a six-month period, according to recent research from LinkedIn Marketing Solutions.

  • If you're in the process of hiring a marketing agency, or you're thinking of hiring one but you're not sure what kind of relationship you want and what type of contract you should sign, read this article before you decide.