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  • Marketers can't be blamed for being overwhelmed by the seemingly endless choices that digital advertising offers. But do you have to embrace every option and every channel? There's a better way.

  • In-house creative teams have been growing in size and increasingly focusing on strategy, according to recent research from Lytho.

  • Too... much... technology... It's time to rethink how your martech stack works and which parts of it are really necessary. Your revenue depends on it.

  • Which workplace skills are Americans researching on search engines? To find out, Preply looked at Google Trends search data for 572 keywords related to professional skills.

  • Everyone's quitting their jobs! Or so it seems. In-house marketing teams are rare enough, so how do we keep marketers from leaving and making them even more rare? This article presents some ideas.

  • Ease of use is the top consideration for B2B firms when they evaluate new customer relationship management (CRM) solutions, according to recent research from Insightly and Ascend2.

  • As an agency, you have more than just the smarts to help your clients with their bottom line; You have the means to prove marketing's value to the business—and showcase your own awesomeness.

  • This infographic provides 12 tips for structuring your LinkedIn profile, choosing the right content, and optimizing elements to ensure you're found.

  • Twitter is the go-to social network for journalists, but it isn't the top platform that the public turns to for news, according to recent research from the Pew Research Center.

  • A well-functioning martech stack should be like a five-layer burrito—a worthy set of ingredients by itself that makes for an even better combination. Here's what modern marketers have been putting into their "burritos."

  • Most CEOs say remote and hybrid work arrangements are better for employee productivity, work-life balance, and mental health, according to a recent survey conducted by Expert Market.

  • Sometimes the best way to own customer success is to create Customer Success—its own department, that is. But how? Here's a 10-step guide.

  • If you can barely remember the "once upon a time" when your marketing job was satisfying and fun, you're not alone. Marketing leaders deal with pressure from every direction. Here's why—and three steps you can take to regain control.

  • Support from marketing teams can bring a lot of value to the sales process. Really. No, wait! Come back here! This article explores five ways that can be true.

  • Americans view Seventh Generation, TOMS, Zoom, Allbirds, and AbbVie as the most purpose-driven brands, according to recent research from StrawberryFrog and Dynata.

  • Composing a single email is hard enough. How can you possibly plan for email at scale? It helps to keep these tips in mind.

  • Chief marketing officers in the B2B technology sector receive between $240,000 and $350,000 in annual cash compensation (salary plus bonus), on average, according to recent research from 6sense.

  • Most C-suite executives at enterprise companies are bearish about the United States economy, according to recent research from West Monroe.

  • A RevOps department is only as effective as its unification of metrics—and it really should be the marketing department that takes that leap, argues this article.

  • Visibility, flexibility, and accuracy: who in your organization can provide all three to have the greatest effect on business? Those entrenched in day-to-day operations.