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  • Generative AI tools have captivated the imagination of millions, but what do they have to offer B2B marketers? How will we be applying them in our work? Here are three ideas.

  • Most business leaders who have been through a crisis say they would practice their communications plan more in advance, use more communications tools, and broaden the scope of their communications plan, according to recent research.

  • Americans say work-from-home options are one of the things they value most in a job—second only to a competitive salary, according to findings from a survey of 1,002 full-time workers from across the United States.

  • As teams are becoming more dispersed, the tone of written business communication is becoming increasingly important, according to recent research from Grammarly.

  • Chief marketing officers at enterprise B2B companies say their top strategic goals are to improve the customer experience, ensure their teams have the right skills, and generate leads/sales, according to recent research.

  • Everyone has questions about whether, when, and how to use ChatGPT for marketing. Aside from the sense of wonder that tech is crafting sentences, what does it really bring to the table? One marketing department did some experimenting to find out.

  • Marketers and creatives say the top things that slow the creative process down are waiting for feedback and chasing down approvals, according to recent research.

  • If you want your customers to stay, buy more, and advocate for your company, then setting accurate expectations and consistently meeting them wins—even if parts of those expectations aren't great.

  • Social media expertise is the most in-demand marketing skill and customer service expertise is the most in-demand sales skill, according to recent research from LinkedIn.

  • Join George B. Thomas and Mark Schaefer for a discussion about why building communities around brands is so essential to marketing in 2023, including why brands need to maintain a company culture and how they can make their customers feel heard.

  • It's difficult to align Sales and Marketing when your company isn't big enough to have departments dedicated to those functions. That's why SMBs need a full-funnel approach to marketing. Here are three steps to get you there.

  • There's an abundance of digital marketing tools on the market. So which ones should you be using? This infographic covers Smart Insight's recommendations for essential tools in 2023.

  • Workers will have spaces that are more flexible and wellness-focused in coming years, and roles that are less hierarchical, according to predictions coved in this infographic.

  • It's time for marketers to reinvent their organizations, and that starts with effective communication. Communicating clearly and consistently reduces costly slowdowns, enhances the customer experience, and drives the ability to scale.

  • Artificial intelligence has been improving workflows in back-office systems for years. But the advent of generative AI, which interprets human language and mimics human speech, writing, and art, can revolutionize customer service in particular. Here's how.

  • From an uncertain economy to new customer expectations, the B2B marketing function—and the job of the B2B CMO—is shifting, quickly. Here's how to make sure those changes lead to better marketing and faster growth.

  • Among their many marketing and media capabilities, senior marketers are most confident in their ability to target customers and are least confident in their third-party data analyses, according to recent research.

  • B2B SaaS marketer Lindsay Boyajian Hagan and host George B. Thomas discuss what marketing strategies to lean on during economic uncertainty, including listening to customers, optimizing old content, and aligning siloed teams.

  • Are your PR and marketing departments butting heads? It happens. But as in every case, companies have greater success when the two departments work together. Check out four tips for uniting marketing and PR pros.

  • The trials of remote work and multiple meetings can make being productive more difficult than ever. Check out these four tips for increasing your productivity.