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  • In theory, it's easy to be customer-focused: gather and process customer information, segment, focus on target segments, understand customer perceptions, act on customer information, and know when and how to build customer relationships. So, why is being customer-focused so hard?

  • In this episode of the Marketing Smarts Live Show, Trust Insights CEO Katie Robbert digs into how GA4 differs from the previous version of Google Analytics and stresses that marketers must take immediate action.

  • This infographic from Abode explores data points and best-practices related to successfully hiring and retaining Gen Z talent.

  • Companies today must embrace digitizing nearly every aspect of their business to ensure compelling, engaging, and valuable digital buyer journeys. That is, no doubt, a monumental task. But there is a path forward.

  • Host George B. Thomas and guest Bonnie Crater talk marketing attribution, from single-touch and multitouch to attribution and funnel metrics and the differences between them. They also discuss how attribution helps you maximize your budget in a tight market.

  • If you're concerned about your company's customer experience, don't just throw a CXO into the fray and expect that person to fix it. Leaders need buy-in from all departments to improve customer experience.

  • Executives say the biggest benefits of improving company culture are increased productivity and improved retention, according to recent research from Arbinger and Ascend2.

  • Most B2B marketers say they feel positive about artificial intelligence, though just over one in five (21%) say they feel apprehension or terror about the technology, according to recent research from Wpromote and Ascend2.

  • Sales training can be littered with outdated strategies that don't translate well into a hybrid or digital-first environment. This article outlines three necessary tactics for training future salespeople.

  • How long have chief marketing officers been on the job at large enterprises and advertisers? What are the backgrounds of those CMOs? To find out, Spencer Stuart looked at the data.

  • This infographic looks at the dangers of dirty data, the different types of dirty data, and the steps you should take to clean your data.

  • Eric Yaverbaum has had countless successes in his career, but he manages to keep a handle on what truly counts in both career and life. And he has a lot of wisdom to impart that every marketer should be keen to keep in mind.

  • Data privacy standards have complicated the process of obtaining reliable customer data. Are clean rooms here to save the day? Maybe, maybe not... but they can certainly help.

  • Your organization's greatest innovations have yet to be discovered. Who's going to discover them? Your sales team's entrepreneurs. So, find and nurture your brightest problem-solvers. Here's how.

  • Digital marketers say the industry roles that will likely be disrupted most by artificial intelligence are content writers, email marketers, and social media managers, according to recent research from Authority Hacker.

  • Are small business owners using tools powered by artificial intelligence? If so, which tasks are the tools helping with? To find out, Skynova surveyed 1,000 small business owners.

  • More and more marketing teams are being expected to drive business growth. The easiest way to do that is incorporate an interdisciplinary team focused on companywide goals and three oft-siloed marketing elements.

  • Most senior marketers say that customer strategy is not equally owned by Marketing and Sales in their organization, according to recent research from the CMO Council and KPMG.

  • How can small businesses successfully achieve scale? To find out, Clarify Capital surveyed 1,010 business owners, top-level executives, and senior managers whose companies experienced hypergrowth.

  • Zoom fatigue? You may be missing those water-cooler conversations. Feeling confused? You might need a video call to give you some visual cues. This article offers five tips for healthy communication with a remote team.