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  • Satisfaction is the emotion consumers most associate with positive brand experiences, according to recent research from InMoment.

  • Consumers in the United States say Google and Netflix are the most "simple" brands, according to recent research from Siegel+Gale.

  • Social media is the top digital marketing tactic/channel small businesses plan to spend additional budget on in 2017, according to recent research from Infusionsoft.

  • Advertising on social media is one thing, but gaining maximum impact for your ad spend is another. This infographic will help you figure out how to use your money wisely on social media—for stellar results.

  • Most marketers are still experimenting with influencer marketing, or they're running individual campaigns rather than maintaining ongoing programs, according to recent research from Altimeter, Traackr, and TopRank Marketing.

  • To build loyalty and retain customers, marketing teams can take these four steps that improve customer insights and the overall customer experience—and build lasting customer relationships.

  • In 2017, marketers will be at the mercy of politics. Net Neutrality, a pillar of Cloud-based content, apps, and services, faces extinction. If the Web becomes a pay-for-performance utility, Cloud-based marketing strategies could become prohibitively expensive.

  • New technologies, combined with Big Data, have made personalization more doable than ever—and customers now expect customized communication. If you're not personalizing, you're missing out.

  • Most (84%) of marketing agencies say content will become more important to their clients over time, according to recent research from CopyPress.

  • High-growth companies are more likely than lower-growth firms to use account-based sales approaches, focus on cold-calling, and employ tech-savvy salespeople, according to recent research from DiscoverOrg.

  • The Internet of Things is growing so fast that there are already more connected devices than there are people. Check out this infographic to see what lies ahead both for consumers and for companies—and for the entire globe.

  • From customer loyalty to customer experiences to customer identity, 2017 promises to be a big year for customer-centric marketing. Check out this infographic for one company's predictions of the top trends we can expect to see.

  • College students in the United States are increasingly using Uber for transportation, Spotify for music, and Venmo for making payments, according to recent research from Fluent.

  • What happens when your customers aren't happy? Poor customer experiences can affect your bottom line in more ways than you might know.

  • A brand's name can make or break a business. Naming expert Mike Pile of Uppercase Branding shares his secrets for winning the high-stakes name game.

  • Just because we marketers understand the power of video doesn't mean we use it to its full potential. If you're not using video in all the stages of the marketing funnel, you're leaving conversions and sales on the table.

  • The e-commerce website elements that consumers are most interested in seeing personalized are shipping options, product recommendations, and coupons, according to recent research from Episerver.

  • Consumers generally value competence more than morality when choosing between service providers, but the effect is weakened if the less competent provider is seen as an underdog, according to recent research published in the AMA's Journal of Marketing.

  • The retail shipping process isn't always smooth, and a bad delivery experience can prevent customers from becoming repeat purchasers. But marketers can take steps to improve the delivery and shipping experiences and keep customers coming back.

  • Companies in the technology, media, and telecommunication (TMT) sector completed 3,021 M&A deals worth $698 billion in 2016, according to a recent report from Mergermarket.