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  • Which social platforms work best for B2B marketing? How is the demographic of the B2B buyer changing? How are B2B marketers using content? Find out the answers and more in today's infographic.

  • SaaS companies can ensure nurturing and upsell campaigns are consistently successful across the entire buyer's journey, from initial contact through the trial/freemium phase to after commitment. Here's how.

  • The Instagram Story feature has been around for over a year now. How have brands latched on, and how are they using it to drive engagement? Today's infographic looks at how eight industries use the medium.

  • Customers often turn to social channels with customer service requests, and that presents a challenge for brands that manage social within Marketing. Check out today's infographic to see why customer care via social may be better owned by Customer Service.

  • To survive and thrive, nonprofits have had to develop approaches and skills that for-profits can also use to improve their competitive position, customer relations, and long-term health and value.

  • Google is releasing its own ad blocker for Chrome in 2018. What does that mean for marketers? The ad-blocking phenomenon is complex and can put a crimp in your ad plans, but this infographic explains what's going on and what marketers should be aware of.

  • How clean is your lead data? If it's been sitting around for even a short while, much of it could be outdated and decayed. Check out today's infographic to see how dirty lead data could be hurting your bottom line and what to do about it.

  • Print is dead, right? Not so, says an infographic that explains how people respond to print versus digital media. Turns out... print can give your marketing an edge.

  • Most marketers say they have a deep understanding of how to engage consumers, but many consumers do not agree, according to recent research from Marketo.

  • Today, few terms generate as much buzz as "influencer marketing." But is the result more heat than light? Here's a look at three top challenges of influencer marketing, along with a big-picture view of this marketing strategy.

  • SMS messages have much better response rates than email, but some brands have been hesitant to get on board. Things are changing, though. To see whether SMS messaging is right for you, check out the latest SMS business trends.

  • These 15 email marketing tips and best-practices (with real life examples) for e-commerce are entirely actionable, and you can easily implement them to increase your conversion rate.

  • A good loyalty rewards program increases not only the number of repeat customers but also average order value—which can have a significant impact on the bottom line. Check out the infographic for more on how a loyalty program can help you.

  • Multichannel automation, content personalization, social sharing tools, analytics... a marketing Cloud makes it possible to juggle the numerous tools necessary for today's marketing. But do you get a turnkey solution, or do you build your own?

  • When corporations mess up, the online outrage and media recrimination seem devastating. But, these days, the result is often increased brand awareness. What does a business have to do to really fail?

  • Many companies find themselves asking the same question: How do we authentically engage with customers throughout their entire buying journey to keep them satisfied and buying more? The answer, up until now, has been complicated.

  • If a marketer sends a direct mail piece to a Millennial, is it even read? Very possibly, yes, says today's infographic, which debunks myths about Millennials' interactions with direct mail and offers ideas for how to market to them.

  • Got big questions about using data for marketing? Learn how to collect it, analyze it, and use it in a smart way. Check out today's infographic.

  • Social marketing is different because your audience talks back—immediately, directly, and sometimes not in your favor. If you're developing a social advertising strategy the way you would for PPC ads or email, you're missing a huge opportunity to capture market share.

  • Today's infographic explores three perils of programmatic ad buying and explains how to make sure your brand is safe, your ads are viewable, and your reputation is safe from fraudsters.