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  • As a B2B brand, the last thing you need is to miss the post-pandemic rebound of the economy when it happens. These five marketing strategies can help you come out of the recession as strong as before—or even better positioned.

  • As marketers, we know that effective marketing puts the customer first. But how do we do that? How can we harness our most human of superpowers to deliver real value both to the customer and to the business? Start using empathy in marketing.

  • Two-thirds of digital agencies experienced a decrease in overall revenue because of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to recent research from Uplers.

  • The B2B customer journey is undergoing rapid transformation—accelerated by the ongoing pandemic. To reach today's—and tomorrow's—self-directed buyers, marketers must personalize. But, soon, even that won't be enough. You need to prepare for that already-near future.

  • We marketers are trying to find our bearings in an environment unlike any we have known. Some changes we are experiencing will persist, forming a new foundation for how businesses function post-pandemic. What will that look like? How can you prepare your team for what lies ahead?

  • Why outsource digital marketing? And outsource what, exactly? Also: Why or why not in-house? And how to select an agency—what red flags to look for. Insider tips. And more...

  • Marketers and salespeople say the biggest challenge to aligning their teams is a lack of good data, according to recent research from InsideView.

  • In the past two decades, content marketing has become an effective strategy for generating leads and nurturing them through every stage of the buying journey. Now, AI is poised to take marketing content to the next level.

  • "Unapologetic marketing truthteller" and on-demand communications specialist Katie Martell talks about the power of cause-aligned marketing as opposed to "pandering," and explains how to avoid the latter.

  • Let's face our tough new reality: It's not easy to drive demand during this work-from-home era. Now, it's all about building operational agility into your marketing and customer experience. Here are three effective, data-reliant ways you can address your soft pipeline.

  • B2B sales and marketing have evolved rapidly. Digitization has transformed the way buyers research and procure products and services. Sellers no longer have control over the flow of information, and buyers' expectations have changed. Here's what B2B suppliers need to do to attract today's buyers.

  • Behavioral economics expert and author Melina Palmer shares insights from her new book, What Your Customer Wants and Can't Tell You, and explains how you can use science to improve your marketing results.

  • How do you vet a PR agency you want to hire? You want a strong agency partnership, but what does that even mean, and how do you start building one? Ask these seven questions when you're vetting and interviewing an agency.

  • Marketing events have been canceled because of COVID-19. But what about post-pandemic? If events resume, will people even attend? And most important, do we now have an opportunity to make live events more valuable for everyone involved?

  • We often use surveys to gain an understanding of how our customers think and feel about our product or services. But a poorly crafted survey is vulnerable to response bias, which causes participants to answer questions inaccurately. Here's how you can minimize response bias.

  • For many industries, digital channels are now essential to doing business well into the future. Here are some practical tips on how to accelerate your digital transformation.

  • Now, more than ever, organizations are depending on digital channels to maintain customer connections and plant seeds for future growth. Here's how marketers can be responsive and provide leadership during this crisis.

  • Although creatives know that their work creates tangible results for businesses, their work has often been undervalued by their more business-minded colleagues. Yet businesses are increasingly recognizing the value of creativity for achieving business objectives.

  • B2B influencer marketing has become "a thing"; it is alive and well and available to use as a tactic in your marketing strategy. Based on research and experience, here are five best-practice recommendations.

  • Most B2B companies around the world have already reduced their marketing spend because of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to recent research from McKinsey.