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  • The challenge? Measuring Marketing's performance and value to the business. The traditional approach to metrics simply perpetuates the myth that marketing activity equals value. Here's how to measure Marketing's true value instead.

  • If an email is sent but not opened, does it make a sale? Probably not. Check out these tips on how to improve email open rates.

  • Most consumers find a brand's Snapchat account by being directed to the username, or by searching for the username, according to recent data from Snaplytics.

  • Measuring the impact and influence of organic LinkedIn activity is not easy. The social network's analytics features are limited for organic (i.e., not advertising-related) activity. But it's doable.

  • Most brands that conduct user research do so early in the development of new products/services/campaigns, according to recent research from UserTesting.

  • Consumers use apps on their mobile devices more than normal on Super Bowl Sunday, but use drops during the game itself, according to recent research from Appboy.

  • Videos created by B2B companies continue to be viewed mainly on desktop computers, and they are still mostly watched during the workweek, according to recent research from Vidyard.

  • Which metrics and KPIs are most often reported to CMOs and other top marketers? Do high-performing brands pay closer attention to certain types of metrics or KPIs?

  • This episode's focus: funnel metrics and attribution, and ways to measure marketing ROI in any industry, from software and technology to the game of polo.

  • Did you sigh when you heard Google is revoking free access to its Keyword Planner? Your first reaction was probably something like "Google is sticking it to us again." But there's an easy, inexpensive workaround: a small PPC campaign.

  • What Google Analytics data should marketers home in on to help executives understand the impact of marketing content and online efforts on delivering value through the sales funnel?

  • Here's how to apply loyalty best-practices to your social media marketing to increase customer retention and long-term loyalty.

  • Email marketers don't often go too far beyond conversion-, click-, and open-rate data. Yet, to create email campaigns that engage your subscribers and increase ROI, you'll need to.

  • Modern CMOs know that to be successful they must integrate multiple data streams to glean valuable, actionable information for Marketing, Sales, and the wider business. Here's how to tell whether social efforts are having an impact on your company.

  • "At work upon a client query, while I pondered, bleak and bleary, / Over many a bloated and drab volume of marketing lore, / While I nodded, nearly blotto, over another limp marketing motto, / Came to my cell a tweet so branded, deftly done, not underhanded..."

  • "At work upon a client query, while I pondered, bleak and bleary, / Over many a bloated and drab volume of marketing lore, / While I nodded, nearly blotto, over another limp marketing motto, / Came to my cell a tweet so branded, deftly done, not underhanded..."

  • Customers of businesses that don't focus on good customer experience are leaving in droves. Here's how to monitor customer experience and why a more holistic approach to doing so will benefit both your business and your customers.

  • MMM and attribution measure the value and performance of your marketing activities. Both are sophisticated models for measuring cross-channel marketing activities, but they work in different ways, for different reasons.

  • Calls from search, social, and display ads are often the most lucrative type of conversion, but also the most difficult for marketers to measure and optimize. Here's a basic lesson in how call attribution works and how it can benefit you.

  • Without a doubt, data and analytics have become central to every organization's business strategy. Find out how to enable your marketing organization to successfully use data and analytics to drive business decisions.