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  • How do you measure your content marketing efforts? Start by looking at key metrics at specific stages of the customer journey: awareness, consideration, and conversion. This infographic walks you through how to do that.

  • Discovering what drives your top buyers—and applying that info to prospects—can help you get more stellar customers.

  • Chris Penn, co-founder of Brain+Trust Insights and author of Leading Innovation: Build a Scalable, Innovative Organization, discusses predictive analytics and how your company can use data to plan more effective marketing campaigns.

  • Businesses spend billions of dollars each year on advertising—but are they spending it well? Marketers need a better way to determine which advertising activities are the true drivers of sales so they can focus their resources accordingly.

  • Google Analytics: It's everywhere, yet it's still a mystery to many marketers. Put your Google Analytics jitters to rest today with this guide to getting started and using some of the most helpful features of the tool.

  • Do you know how well your experiential marketing campaigns are performing? Many marketers don't, but these tips can help you set key metrics and see ROI.

  • Public relations and social media expert Shonali Burke shares tips for PR measurement and effective influencer marketing.

  • In this Teach Me How seminar, you'll learn how to extract social media data from common applications such as social platforms, Google Analytics, and social monitoring tools. You'll then discover how to use state-of-the-art techniques to analyze and predict what to do next for your organization's success.

  • Unsure if programmatic advertising is right for you brand? Now may be the time to get started if you want to stay ahead of the competition. Check out this infographic for more details.

  • Drew Burns, principal product marketing manager for Adobe Target, shares tips for using personalization to enhance B2B lead generation and improve marketing results.

  • Marketing campaign success isn't determined by diagnostic metrics (think website visits and the like). Don't fall into the trap of letting those middle metrics dominate your campaigns. Take these three steps instead.

  • If a marketing campaign brings in new leads, but no one is measuring attribution, do the marketers get credit? Very possibly not, or the credit may be misplaced. Check out the infographic to see how to make marketing attribution work in your organization.

  • Why is it that some brands seem to achieve success with social advertising, whereas others struggle to find the right formula? Read on for five secrets from Facebook marketing pros to learn how your Facebook ads can have real impact on your bottom line.

  • By testing various creative treatments, prioritizing the role creative plays in ads, and choosing the right tools for ad creation, marketers can do more of what they do best: offer creative solutions to their customers and prospects.

  • Most marketers say the effectiveness of their email marketing campaigns is improving, according to recent research from Return Path and Ascend2.

  • Relying solely on analytics tools when making business decisions can lead to misdirected targeting, causing major consequences for an organization's bottom line.

  • In-house and agency marketers alike say conducting A/B testing is the best way to improve online conversion rates, according to recent research from RedEye and eConsultancy.

  • As a marketer, you always look for ways to give your company or clients a leg up. You have Google Analytics experts, dashboards, reports on demand, and more. GA has worked well for you so far. But recently you've noticed there's a whole new playing field.

  • Making a case for adding video to your content mix is easy. Research reveals that marketers who use video see faster revenue growth. Online retailers see higher conversion rates. And when offered as a content choice, video is preferred over whitepapers, case studies, demos, webinars, and e-books.

  • Spelling mistakes, broken links, an unclear call to action... we've all received marketing emails guilty of such sins. Make sure you're not on the sending end with this checklist of 10 things to avoid in your email campaigns.