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  • You may not be in the baseball business, but there's a lot you can learn about marketing from Oakland Athletics VP of Operations and former General Manager, Billy Beane. This webinar is no longer available, but you can get a taste of what you missed by watching the after show on-demand.

  • Marketers say audience targeting is both the most effective programmatic advertising tactic and the most difficult to execute, according to recent research from Ascend2.

  • The definition of "employee advocacy" is straightforward: the promotion of an organization by its staff members. It's a low-cost, high-return way to increase brand awareness, drive engagement and attract talent. But can you show how that impact is related to business goals?

  • Automating marketing reports can save tons of time and reduce errors. These 10 tips will help you think through the process of automating your reports. You'll make the right decisions about whom and what to include and demonstrate the value of your work.

  • As with any marketing undertaking, you need measures in place to track the effectiveness of your content marketing. So, whether you're focusing on SEO, lead generation, or thought leadership with your content, see which metrics you should track to monitor content marketing success.

  • The median conversion rate for business website landing pages across industries is just over 3%, according to recent research from Unbounce.

  • If you're like most marketers, you're probably drowning in data but starving for actionable information. Here's how to get the insights you need to increase sales, conversions, and leads. Sponsored by Alight Analytics.

  • How do you access the analytics you need to measure your online marketing ROI effectively? You need the right tools. This article highlights five tools that provide insights into your marketing results.

  • If your salespeople aren't effective presenters, they'll never achieve their full potential—even if they're good at selling. Which is why it's critical to understand and monitor this vital skill. Here's how to measure and evaluate sales presentation skills.

  • Email marketing experts will urge you to follow the latest and greatest best-practices—from personalizing your content to segmenting to cleaning up your database. All that's well and good if you want to create optimized email campaigns. And who doesn't? But what if your metrics are off?

  • Tired of measuring every detail of your campaigns and still not having the insights you need? There's a difference between being simply reactive to the data you're collecting versus allowing that data to drive innovative strategy and planning. Sponsored by Kompyte.

  • Although nearly two-thirds of marketers say they should incorporate customer feedback when creating deliverables, they don't actually do so most of the time, according to recent research from UserTesting.

  • You need to know what's being said online about you, your brand, your competition, your industry, and other topics you're interested in. At first, Google Alerts might seem the most obvious choice, but it's notoriously unreliable.You have options, though, including these 4 alternatives.

  • When most marketers plan campaigns, they need to answer a few basic questions: Who's the target? Where should we spend our budget? When should the campaign start and stop? But there's a better way to design your strategy—by using data to ask better questions. Sponsored by Alight Analytics.

  • Is your brand relevant to the various audiences—customers, influencers, the media—you want to reach? More specifically, how can you find the untapped opportunities for establishing relevance? How can you identify what they want so you can provide it?

  • Most marketers say it takes too long to turn data into actionable intelligence, and then too long for that actionable intelligence to be applied to campaigns, according to recent research from the CMO Council.

  • In a world of fast-shifting business priorities and unpredictable change, marketers need a new way to think about event strategies. When unexpected challenges arise, agile event programs are designed not just to survive—but to thrive. Sponsored by Splash.

  • Search is often the first, and sometimes only, channel that customers can use to tell you what they want from you. It can also be an opportunity to build credibility, engagement, and loyalty. As you "listen" to customers' searches, you'll want to ask (and answer) these six questions.

  • Programmatic advertising (including display) continues to dominate the digital space. As it has expanded into areas like Connected TV and digital audio, programmatic remains one of the best strategies for efficiently reaching users and increasing engagement. Sponsored by Adtaxi.

  • In the new era of data privacy and more stringent privacy regulations, marketers need to turn away from third-party data. To build trust while maintaining personalization, marketers are turning to zero-party data. So... what is it, and how can you collect it?