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  • If you've ever wondered what gets a new product adopted quickly, look no further than late-night infomercials. Their use of a marketing formula contains lessons every marketer can learn from.

  • Americans say Patagonia, Honda, and Moderna have the best reputations among high-profile companies, according to recent research from The Harris Poll and Axios.

  • Content marketing is inherently a long-term, cumulative investment; a single piece of content won't likely lead to a sales increase. That makes it hard to measure ROI. But hard doesn't mean impossible. Here's how you can measure your content marketing.

  • With hiring picking up in the United States, why are some job seekers not accepting offers? According to recent research from Talroo, various forces are influencing those decisions.

  • Digital marketing has moved toward strategies that provide quantifiable returns on spending. But B2B companies have long sales cycles, and Google Analytics alone is not sufficient to determine attribution and ROI. You need closed-loop analytics.

  • What does it mean to be a 'buyer first' salesperson? To find out, LinkedIn Sales Solutions surveyed more than 400 buyers and 400 sellers in the United States and Canada.

  • A brand audit is an in-depth examination of your brand to identify what you’re doing well, spot areas for improvement, and assess your position in the market compared with your competitors. So, how exactly do you conduct one?

  • Marketers say Facebook/Instagram and Google are the platforms they use most for ad retargeting, according to recent research from SharpSpring Ads and Ascend2.

  • Differences abound between Google's Universal Analytics and the recently announced Google Analytics 4. How can marketers make the best use of the new version to inform their decisions? Find out here.

  • Data-based insights, including sales metrics, are crucial in B2B marketing—but which types will rise above the level of vanity metrics and actually help to shape your strategy? Here are seven of them.

  • Younger adults in the United States are much more likely to use Instagram, Snapchat, and TikTok compared with older adults, according to recent research from the Pew Research Center.

  • Did you know that 70% of search queries contain four words or more? Or that 48% of people are now using voice assistants for general Web searches? Those are just two of the search engine-related stats covered in a recent infographic.

  • Marketers say they struggle the most with tracking the impact of their television and print campaigns, according to recent research from Ruler Analytics.

  • Median and average conversion rates for landing pages vary significantly by industry and by type of page, according to recent research from Unbounce.

  • Members of Gen Z are more than twice as likely as Baby Boomers to say they typically learn about brands or companies from social media, according to recent research from Sprout Social and The Harris Poll.

  • Influencer campaign performance can be difficult to measure. What metrics should you be using, and how do you apply those insights to modify your campaigns? This article will give you some ideas.

  • Analyzing mobile marketing campaign data is a complex process. One wrong number leads to misinterpretation of the entire campaign. How can you avoid pitfalls and analyze data correctly? Here are some guidelines.

  • When building a brand marketing strategy, it's not enough to know how much people talk about your brand; you have to know what they say and adjust your marketing efforts accordingly. Here are five tools that can help.

  • If you could do one thing to your marketing to make a sustainable difference in your ability to impact the business, it's to change what you measure.

  • Advanced tools powered by Big Data and machine-learning have improved the science of marketing analytics, but there are ways to analyze data and calculate ad strategies using only a spreadsheet. This article explains how.