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  • Today's major opportunity for ad tech lies in finding a replacement for cookies, but even the best solution would apply only to a fraction of all digital advertising. Learn why independent ad tech must solve for the middle market.

  • B2B marketers say the most impactful uses for intent data are advertising, customer account expansion, and account identification, according to recent research from Intentsify and Ascend2.

  • It would take more than an hour for a person to read the legal fine print for popular online platforms such as Google, Facebook, and PayPal, according to recent research from Reboot Online Marketing.

  • Digital advertising spend by B2B firms is expected to jump by nearly a quarter in 2021, according to recent research from eMarketer.

  • This infographic from Salesforce looks at what key email metrics mean and explores how you can use them to optimize your campaigns.

  • Data analysis does not exist in a vacuum; it is conducted by analysts who bring their inherent subjectivity to the process. It's time to acknowledge that and only then proceed to determine which metrics to track with holistic analytics.

  • Only 17% of marketers say their firm measures customer lifetime value (LTV) very well or extremely well, according to recent research from the CMO Council and Deloitte Digital.

  • Did you know that 87% of organizations use email to distribute content? That's just one of data points related to email marketing covered in a recent infographic from EmailToolTester.

  • Marketing budgets at large businesses have dropped significantly relative to revenue in 2021, according to recent research from Gartner.

  • Marketers and consumers differ in what they believe makes a brand best-in-class on social media, according to recent research from Sprout Social.

  • Sales deals that are won tend to have shorter time frames than lost deals, more email communication, more meetings, and more stakeholder involvement, according to recent research from

  • Link-building is necessary for SEO, and a dynamic backlink management strategy will elevate your site in the eyes of Google. Here are four ways to make your backlink management dynamic.

  • Many PR agencies measure campaign success only by the volume of media engagements, but there's much more to marcomms success than that. Learn about the three best metrics for measuring PR campaigns.

  • Emails sent during the middle of the workweek tend to drive the most webinar registrations, according to recent research from ON24.

  • Fully 62% of hiring managers say they always check job applicants' social media accounts, and 29% say they sometimes do.

  • Most sales professionals say salespeople are underappreciated in the business world, though more have been feeling appreciated since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to recent research from Pipedrive.

  • Clubhouse is the hot new audio social media app that has everyone talking—literally. But its increased popularity has come with some concerns about access and accessibility. Learn more in this article.

  • People of all ages have the most favorable impressions of television and email advertising, according to research from GWI.

  • Did you know that 77% of B2B buyers don't talk to a salesperson until they have done their own research? That's one of the data points covered in this infographic from Growth Strategies 101.

  • Most people say their perception of a company changes when they notice that it has made a grammar mistake, according to recent research from Tidio.